CMO Quick Battles (Full Version)

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TitaniumTrout -> CMO Quick Battles (3/24/2020 8:35:49 PM)


A Quick Battle Generator set specifically covering the Gulf War.

I'm going to dig into the Quick Battles and decided to make a thread to start filling. If you've made some (see P Gatcombs video - go ahead and add them to the thread.

To install - Extract to your CMO Quick Battles Directory.


Then browse to your Quick Battle screen and you should see Iraq War A2A.


Future Plans :

Iran Vs. Iraq
Kosovo 1999

TitaniumTrout -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (3/25/2020 2:03:54 PM)


Update allows for the user to select an area for the engagement.

* Added comments to html in regards to the format.
* Added a table in the form.html allowing for location selection.
* Created the ReturnLatAndLon function based on the ReturnClassAndLoadout function.

TitaniumTrout -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (3/25/2020 10:24:13 PM)


Iran-Iraq Air War

New Features
-You play as the Iranian Air Force using F-4E's, F-14's and F-5's.
-Ability to activate ground radar for OPFOR and BLUFOR.
-Ability to select OPFOR and BLUFOR pilot skill ratings.

TitaniumTrout -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (3/26/2020 10:25:42 PM)


Red Flag 2019

Red Flag is the U.S. Air Force's premier air-to-air combat training exercise. Participants often include both United States and allied nations' combat air forces. The exercise provides aircrews the experience of multiple, intensive air combat sorties in the safety of a training environment.

Terrain can be a ton of fun on this one as the Nevada high desert makes for some really interesting topography.

TitaniumTrout -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (3/28/2020 12:20:05 PM)


Fulda Gap Facedown - 1989
LOCATION : West Germany

Your strike team consists of NATO Aircraft from the peak of the Cold War. Against you is a variety of SAM systems and even escorts. Somewhere in East Germany is your target. Use the terrain to your advantage or procure the newest in stealth technology, the F-117. Simulate a full out NATO strike on a well defended East German/Soviet command.

New Features

* Select a Strike Package, Escort Aircraft, and Support Aircraft such as OECM, SEAD or Recon
* 10 Target types from easy to find rail stations to hardened bunkers and T-80 Platoons
* 5 Different types of Soviet era SHORAD
* 3 Different types of Soviet era mid range SAM's
* 7 types of Soviet long range SAM's. SA-2 all the way to the SA-10B Grumble
* 6 types of Soviet Fighters
* Random starting arc, but selectable distance to target

Gunner98 -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (3/28/2020 5:37:15 PM)

Thanks for doing these TT, they're great for a short fun challenge.


TitaniumTrout -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (3/28/2020 6:05:02 PM)

No problem dude! They are a fun little coding exercise. It really helps the focus to have a limited window to work in. If you've got something you'd like to see, let me know.

KLAB -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (3/28/2020 6:52:32 PM)

Yes many thanks for these as I was a bit stumped on the getting variable start areas and just getting to grips with trying to add land bases,

If you don't mind I am using your code as a learning tool to understand how this works and for other LUA stuff.



TitaniumTrout -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (3/28/2020 7:13:43 PM)

Please do! Most of that is built upon the shoulders of others. I'm trying to do what I can to comment everything to make it easier to piece together.

mikkey -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (3/28/2020 9:31:59 PM)

TitaniumTrout, thanks for nice quick battles.

boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (9/22/2020 2:16:15 AM)

Alright, to thank the developers for all of the updates, including allowing the CWDB in the QBG, as well as to get some experience in LUA, I have created a scenario for "Operation Rolling Thunder 1967" (Vietnam). Like probably any QBG, it's meant to provide a historical 'flavor' but not necessarily historical accuracy.

Fulda Gap Facedown was the starting point, so thanks to TitaniumTrout.

I've added some features to try to make air battles in QBG a bit more interesting:

-Added airfields for both sides. Not just cosmetic, but affects AI with loiter time, range, etc. Try to make it back to base.
-Tankers or AEW as optional standoff support aircraft.
-Player aircraft added to distinct and reasonably-sized flights instead of individually for better management.
-Limits placed on number of available player flights.
-Better formations at both the flight (pseudo finger-four) and strike package level (still rough).

Problems that I need help with:
-Relative reference to the image does not seem to work in the HTML file
-The CWDB being called up is quite old, 466 I think. The latest CWDB has much better unit selections for this era.

Durendal28 -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (9/30/2020 6:58:31 PM)


I've also had problems with relative image references. I uploaded your file to Imgur and referenced the direct link. That seems to work.

mikkey -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/20/2020 9:17:31 AM)

boogabooga, thanks for Vietnam QB!
But I noticed that if I leave the original settings, the following error message will be displayed and no support aircraft are generated in the scenario.


mikkey -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/20/2020 9:19:26 AM)

I will see a similar error message if I choose near support 2x4 Thuds with CBU29.
Thanks for your effort!


boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/20/2020 11:48:23 AM)

Yeah, the game update changed the Quick Battle DB from CWDB 466 to 478, and possibly changed something else. That seems to have broken it. It worked pre-update.

Fear not. Version 2.0 is attached. Changes:

-Updated to CWDB 478
-More target types. Try to match your ordinance against the size, DP value, and armor of the target.
-Now using bay tank thuds for extended range (Tanker still recommended for Route Pack 6A and possibly 5)
-Can choose a Hunter-Killer team SEAD escort (Two Shrike equipped Wild Weasels and four CBU equipped killers)
-VPAF radar network enhanced (GCI/EW on multiple bands and harder to jam)
-Can choose to hide the SAM locations for an extra challenge
-Altitude options in feet
-Option for debug mode (it cheats). It's there because of issues of ground units trying to spawn in water

Kushan04 -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/20/2020 7:25:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: boogabooga
-Option for debug mode (it cheats). It's there because of issues of ground units trying to spawn in water

You can check for over water with lua. Look at some of the scripts Apache did for random placement in some of the rebuilt CMO standalone scenarios.

mikkey -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/20/2020 10:20:21 PM)

Thanks for the update boogabooga, the new features looks interesting. But I still having a similar problem during QB starting (looks like problem with unassigned variable in lua script). Thanks.


boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/21/2020 2:50:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: Kushan04


ORIGINAL: boogabooga
-Option for debug mode (it cheats). It's there because of issues of ground units trying to spawn in water

You can check for over water with lua. Look at some of the scripts Apache did for random placement in some of the rebuilt CMO standalone scenarios.

It's actually the code that checks for water that was giving me the problems. I think I fixed it, but I'm leaving debug in there just in case.

@mikkey: are you on version 1147.14?

mikkey -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/21/2020 8:51:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: boogabooga
@mikkey: are you on version 1147.14?

yes, I tried it in B1147.14 (both Matrix and clean Steam versions) on two computers with the same results

boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/21/2020 9:42:58 PM)

Every time, or only some combinations?

boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/24/2020 7:23:56 PM)

Hello mikkey,

Are you still having issues?

Is anyone else having problems?

mikkey -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/24/2020 10:49:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: boogabooga
Hello mikkey,

Are you still having issues?

Is anyone else having problems?

Hi boogabooga,
yeah, I still have the same problems (similary like MarechalJoffre). I tried B1147.13 and B1147.14 and also the latest beta build, but I still have the same problem.
But I guess I found the cause of the problem. I use Slovak regional setting. But when I change the regional setting to English (US), the QB is generated without any problems. So the problem may be somewhere around the "ScenEdit_AddUnit" function with the other regional setting as EN. I also reported it on the beta forum. Thanks.

boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (10/25/2020 3:21:20 AM)

Okay, thanks.

I don't know anything about regional settings in LUA, sorry.

Dimitris -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (11/3/2020 11:39:32 AM)

There is an issue with how decimal values are handled internally by the Lua engine in different locales (the classic comma-vs-period divide that will probably doom civilization at some point, see also:

We are currently working on a fix for this.

boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (11/10/2020 3:58:20 PM)

I want to report a possible bug (with potentially desirable side effects) in the AddGroundUnits function that I inherited from TitaniumTrout.

That function starts with a call:

From testing, it appears to me that os.time is incrementing the counting on the order of seconds. That means that os.time is essentially a constant value over the amount of time that it takes to run the script that sets up the scenario. The consequence then of the math.randomseed call then is probably the opposite of the intention. If you call the function say three times to place three units, they will all use exactly the same seed value each time and all three units will end up being co-located instead of randomly distributed. Now, this may actually be desirable. For example, it would guarantee that the AAA units are at the target and not several miles away. However, I would say my preference for my Rolling Thunder scenario would be to ensure random distribution and then just increase the default number of AAA units to increase the chances that some will be near the targets.


boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (11/11/2020 11:42:06 PM)


Alright, here is version 3.0 of Rolling Thunder 1967 along with the new companion scenario Yankee Station 1967. I've tested it, but please report any bugs or problems. These may be included in official updates, if desired.


New target types, including a new category for mobile units
Added new category of ship targets (Yankee Station 1967 only)
New options for large mixed calibre AAA sites
Enemy aircraft now in Flights of four

New option to make the target location unknown
New option to have a recon aircraft (for finding hidden targets and air defenses or BDA) Recon aircraft will start at one of the airfields.
These two new features allow for patrol-style play where the targets need to be hunted before they are struck

Using a slightly later F-4D version to get around a no radar bug in CWDB 478

Bugfixes to the AddGroundUnit Function
-math.randomseed removed from AddGroundUnits function
-Added a compatibility fix from when longitude and latitude are specified in the DMS string format.

Altered the distribution and region of enemy units
Added SA-3 Goa as a hypothetical SAM option
Increased the default amount of AAA

Removed decimal from altitude selections to avoid regional setting conflicts

boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (12/10/2020 2:01:04 AM)

A2A BVR Duels, 1975-1995

Alright, inspired by my own recent failures in BVR combat in CMO (and DCS), and also by this thread:

I've made three QBG tactical vignettes to more comprehensively study BVR air combat tactics as technology evolved over time from the mid 70s, to the mid 80s, and mid 90s. These feature a much larger list of aircraft than was present in previous QBG missions. I've used mid decade (1975, 1985, 1995) as the baseline years in each case, but the years are not precise, and the units selected for inclusion are really intended to model the 'mid to late' part of each decade, so some units that technically came out in 1987 are included in the 1985 mission, for example.

I've added new options to select both OPFOR and player doctrine for BVR tactics and automatic evasion. I've found the latter to especially play a big role in the outcome of SARH vs. SARH duels.

My intention was to allow variable altitude for each side to examine look-up vs. look-down tactics in regard to the anti ground clutter capabilities of the various aircraft radar. As it stands, the OPFOR side will always try to climb to high altitude to meet a threat regardless of its initial altitude setting. I've reported an issue with the LUA API that is preventing the AI from maintaining it's preset altitude, so look for a fix in the future.

Please let me know about any issues.

boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (3/14/2021 6:22:35 AM)

A2A BVR Duels, 1975-1995 v2

Small update to the BVR Duel quick missions:

-Fixed bug that prevented OPFOR's ROE setting from being applied
-Added ignore plotted course as a player-selectable doctrine setting
-Small tweaks in the html form

boogabooga -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (7/8/2021 5:05:42 AM)

A2A BVR Duels, 1975-2012 v3

New update to the BVR Duel quick battles:

-Proficiency settings now correctly correspond to CMO levels
-Added new quick battle for 2012
-Also, possibly fixed the string formatting bug with regional settings other than United States English

musurca -> RE: CMO Quick Battles (7/21/2021 7:49:44 PM)

Knife Fight in a Phone Booth, 1980s
Knife Fight in a Phone Booth, 2020s

The ultimate submarine duel sandbox! Created by musurca & boogabooga

(see this thread for more info)

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