Custom scenario - surprised by the AI (Full Version)

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Rincon -> Custom scenario - surprised by the AI (3/25/2020 3:24:59 AM)

Here is one scenario that I have created for my own enjoyment that I face a battle against the Canadians (one of the nice mods created by the community here). This battle was basically over for the Canadians by the time of the picture I took and I was burying the last canadians forces in their last stronghold in a valley south of Wenzentorf. I did a final push to take them out moving from Buchholz as you can see by the red arrow. At the same time I was punching them at the other side of the valley with some more of my T-55s and T-62s tanks. All of a sudden, M901A1s that I thought to be eliminated in an early push pop-up and gave me a lot of troubles firing salvos of anti-tanks shots and taking several of my tanks along my final move. That hurt a lot (see red circles wreckages), but I got a smile on my face to see the AI taking me and punishing me by surprise!

Fantastic! I just love this game and canīt wait to play Southern Storm! Congratulations to the devs once again. I canīt stop saying this aspect of easy to play and hard to master of this game, the command aspect and not micromanaging every unit action are just the things I really appreciate in this game. Be able to tweak the game and create all type of scenarios are both some other aspects that I praise as well.



Rincon -> RE: Custom scenario - surprised by the AI (3/25/2020 4:13:52 AM)

The end of the battle...and Canadians sent back home in coffins. Stay out of my way to the Rhine! :)!


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