Version 1.00.06 is out (Full Version)

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Daniele -> Version 1.00.06 is out (3/26/2020 12:55:06 PM)

In preparation of the Steam release, WarPlan has been updated to version 1.00.06.

You can download the update from here

1.00.06. Changelog

- Ports will not damage rail on scorched earth
- Fixed Can't moving on top of enemy fleet message
- Fixed air rebase when invading from single fleet bug
- Fixed rail move exploit
- Fixed Axis A.I. collapsing Vichy France
- Added Vichy France joining Allies once Allies take Paris
- Fixed Carrier stacking bug
- Fixed Garrison invisible error bug
- Fixed Garrison/Partisan invasion bug
- Rule change only 3 subs allows in a hex outside a port like CVs
- Fixed raiders attacking escorts
- Fixed no rail on neutral controlled not-owned territory
- Changed 146,48 map label -> Geneva to Dijon
- Removed movepath from image importer in editor
- Fixed sub attack messages
- Advancement change - escorts now have same defense as interceptors. Air combat is still 1 point lower than interceptors
- Fixed replacing general with subordinate bug
- Fixed moving stack of subs from one port to another when neutral
- Fixed CV interdiction in bad weather
- Fixed out of supply raiders attacking convoys
- Fixed out of supply bombarding navies
- Fixed checking for convoy path to country that does not have a capital
- Fixed improved convoy transport and production system to remove bugs
- Fixed added message during fleet attacks if no enemy units were hit
- Fixed seeing A.I. units on their turn
- Naval units with land or air units can't perform a night move
- Naval units can't unload land or air units in port which do not start the turn in supply
- Added possible Sealion strategy for Axis A.I.
- Added total victory points to War Panel
- Increase UK production by 40 points. It is now in line with Third Reich's World at War
- Fixed repair bug that caused side to flip and multiplayer end of turn errors
- Changed consequence of land unit being relocated due to neutral country. They are 1st moved to closest hex within 20 hexes. If not possible sent to deployment queue for 2 months.
- Fixed port disembark on port with unit bug
- Change manpower production reduced by 25% for all countries in all scenarios except UK which was set at 26 for the Commonwealth
- Fixed tile #23 water code error
- Added toggle for unit symbols in options
- Change Armor now requires double landing craft costs
- Scripting for Vichy colonies corrected. Now you can give a resource to a hex with no ownership requirements by not putting an action country.
- Added yes/no button to Resign in multiplayer
- Fixed invasion combat log entries
- Corrected rail repair rate for 1942, 43, 44 scenarios
- Change German armor on border of Poland to be off rail in 1939, 1940 scenarios so armor can't be railed immediately to the West
- Fixed invasion and disembark on top of unit.
- Fixed naval undo move mode bug
- Fixed 1942 and 1944 scenarios USSR allowable builds of divisions
- Fixed interception where both air and naval have chance to intercept not one or the other
- Fixed ground support air component
- Added CV repair rate component to slow down CV air repair rate
- Added CV repair field to editor
- Fixed $GiveUnit technology field if "advancement=" not included in script
- Added script that USA becomes Allied if Canada is invaded by the Axis
- Fixed ZoC movement issue

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/26/2020 1:20:16 PM)

These also were fixed in 1.00.06

Added 1% snow turn to North Marine zone in winter months to prevent invasions
Updated weather data in manual
Added port blockade for Mediterranean ports if Axis control Gibraltar and Port Said
Added extra Soviet scripts for Defense of Baku
Change increased port blockade effectiveness by naval units
Added forces list in the Reports and Statistics -> Forces tab. Clicking a flag of a country of your side will show the number of total units and strengths. A tooltip helper was also added to the section.
Fixed game statistics improperly displaying amounts
Fixed rail movement over non-cooperative nations
Fixed merchants automatically go to the major power controller of a minor country upon production
Change winter specialization from +30% combat bonus to +200% combat bonus in snow or blizzard
Added hotkey "r" will toggle show friendly air ranges, show enemy air ranges, and off on the 3rd click
Change all winter months in North temperate will now never be clear weather for game balance
Added USA +25% entry increase if Iceland invaded
Added Netherlands patrol group, 30 merchant marine, 3 escorts
Change increased diminishing returns are air strikes by 10%
Change land units not next to enemy land units suffer no strength point losses from air strikes. An attrition 1 point manpower loss will be taken instead
Fixed allows countries without a primary supply source to build at their capital.
Land retreats now destroy all AA in the hex they leave to prevent the enemy from capturing them
Lowered casualties from supply interdiction with Air to Air as more of an attrition than full combat
Fixed added merchants and escorts to the following countries: Belgium, Norway, Denmark, and Greece.
Added France, Italy, and the USSR may only export production or oil to their own minor countries that they control.
Added air units that are near 50% effectiveness or strength will have a red mode triangle to indicate it is too weak to fly full support missions.
Added a port supply source with an exclamation point indicates that port has run out of supply stockpile
Added rail from Aleppo to Turkey
Change no more manpower loss from air attacks. Air units can only now damage strength on land units next to an enemy land unit and only on the first air strike. Other air strikes still can reduce the effectiveness of the unit and interdict movement.
Fixed unit anti-air formula
Fixed naval units transporting land or air can't attack convoys
Fixed submarine naval icon when moving at night.
Fixed sub groups are not allowed to move at night only surface fleets
Added on Reports and Statistics -> Units -> order by if unit was repaired
Change rail repair rate set to 3 per turn
Fixed rounding issue with reinforcements
Fixed improper support triangle on air units fixed
Fixed editor crash problem in Resources menu item
Fixed freeze on destroyed air unit air striking a hex
Fixed Axis occupation of Gibraltar and Port Said affecting Allied port supply in the Mediterranean
Change increased Italian logistics to 1900
Added port supply block when Axis occupy Leningrad
Added retreating fleets now automatically enable raider mode so they don't try to intercept
Fixed A.I. moving into non-connecting sea areas
Added error text for multiplayer login codes
Change Land and air units in basic supply do not get reinforcements (in supply, zero stockpile remaining)
Change Increase Mountain unit cost 180 to 200
Fixed French mountain unit strength max 20 to 30
Added port near Lisbon and increased ports in Spain to help Allied invasion
Change convoy course in Norway to better reflect coastal movement and make it more difficult to raid
Fixed convoy blizzard freeze hexes
Air units now only take physical damage from air strikes from the first air strike only.
Added colorization to generals that are available or not available due to cost
Added general experience messages
Added undo production button
Added ability for a modder to set all the map text to dark or light
Added unit names on hover

Tejszd -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/26/2020 9:05:07 PM)

Wow, what a list of changes/fixes!

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/26/2020 9:48:24 PM)

I'm a little detailed oriented when it comes to fixes. MUST FIX GAME!!

ncc1701e -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/27/2020 1:56:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Alvaro Sousa

Added forces list in the Reports and Statistics -> Forces tab. Clicking a flag of a country of your side will show the number of total units and strengths. A tooltip helper was also added to the section.

Very useful, thanks [&o]


ORIGINAL: Alvaro Sousa

Added air units that are near 50% effectiveness or strength will have a red mode triangle to indicate it is too weak to fly full support missions.

Triggered about at 60% effectiveness, cool. Again thanks

Philippeatbay -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/27/2020 8:33:09 PM)

The Matrix version is, of course, 1.0, but the connection breaks off when trying to create a handle to update to 1.00.06.

The Steam version, however, downloads very quickly and starts off at 1.00.06.

For the moment I have both installed so I don't really care, but going forward, please fix or do sumfink.

Philippeatbay -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/27/2020 8:36:47 PM)

I spoke too soon. When I try to run the Steam version (with Matrix 1.0 installed) I get a message saying that the options file is corrupt.

ncc1701e -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/27/2020 9:02:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Philippeatbay

The Matrix version is, of course, 1.0, but the connection breaks off when trying to create a handle to update to 1.00.06.

Same here, I was not able to update to 1.00.06 by doing Check for Updates in the Matrix interface.
So, I have downloaded directly the Zip file and execute it.

RPKUPK -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/28/2020 5:10:07 PM)

You added a 600 or so logistic points to Italy but you had indicated you were going to increase German and Axis allies by 15% across the board, did you not?

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/28/2020 7:16:28 PM)

I don't remember saying that?!

raymie -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/28/2020 8:30:56 PM)

RE: Totally tapped out! - 3/6/2020 3:07:32 PM
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Alvaro Sousa
Matrix Legion of Merit

Posts: 4937
Joined: 7/29/2013
Status: online All countries have their historical force pool caps + a 15% more about for flexibility.

I noticed Italy was short handed a while ago. So I recalculated them since RPKUPK brought it up

RPKUPK -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/28/2020 8:37:06 PM)

RPKUPK -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/30/2020 8:53:29 PM)

So what's the word?
What is your answer about my logistics increase question?

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/30/2020 9:33:51 PM)

I meant I took historical force pools and added 15% when I made the scenarios. At the time I miscounted the Italians.

RPKUPK -> RE: Version 1.00.06 is out (3/30/2020 11:19:51 PM)

Game needs some pizzazz.
Late war (wonder) weapons (Ex. jet fighters, four-engine long-range bombers, aircraft carriers).
At least something beyond mid-1943 when all Axis unit production grinds to a halt. And things get boring.

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