Dead pool? (Full Version)

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Wannabe -> Dead pool? (4/1/2020 4:28:43 PM)

Is there any kind of pool of dead units that I’m missing?

For the first time, I asked the computer I play itself, and I left for a bit . (BIG NATO-WARPAC scenario.) Anyway, I ran it partly to set up a smaller scenario in which my one of my old units fought; I was going to take what the original designer had in store and play it out at a company level. But when I looked for the brigade, it no longer showed up in the friendly OOB. Is there any way to find out what happened to it?

larryfulkerson -> RE: Dead pool? (4/1/2020 4:42:22 PM)

You might look in the expected reinforcements dialog to see if it's scheduled to reappear in some future turn. That would indicate that it got killed at some point in the recent past. You could look in the editor session with this scenario to see if there's an event that withdraws it from play during the game. Other than that I'm fresh out of good ideas.

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