npsergio -> Question about production (4/8/2020 10:10:00 PM)
First of all, English is not my mother language. Production is driving me mad... I have some messages in the Logistic Phase Event Log: i.e. Schweinfurt HI has no resouces (at all). And it says that City Req (requests?) 35200 and Prod Req (Production Requests?) 8800 It's 1945, so Germany's HI multiplier is 2.2 Schweinfut has 40 HI points, so I suspected that 40 HI required 40*2.2*500 (44000) Resources to produce. 44000 - 8800 = 35200 so the math is clear here... Schweinfurt is demanding 44000 resources. I donīt understand why it's divided up between City and Prod, but anyway... So I don't understand the difference between City Req and Prod Req... Because Prod (Production?) should demand/request the full 44000 for its 40 HI points, isnīt it? But to make thing worse, the city of Como, in Italy, with a HI multiplier of only 1, doesnīt have resources either... but in this case the maths are different, because with 3 HI, the City Req is 12000 and the Prod Req is 300. It's a bit confusing, because, as the manual states, HI produces 500 supply point for every 500 resources in each HI point (multiplied by its country's multiplier). So, if I'm correct in my assumption that Prod Req is the amount of resources demanded by the HI, the maths show me that each HI point is actually requesting 100 resource for each HI point (Schweinfurt 8800 -> ((8800/40)/2.2)=100. And Como, 3 HI, 300/3=100 resources Prod Req. And... How are the 12000 resources Como's City Req are calculated? Questions: - What's the meaning of "City Req" and "Prod Req"? - How is it actually calculated the resoureces requests? - Why there is this division between "City" and "Prod" Req? - How are calculated both figures in each of these cities? (I use this two examples because the Event Log states that they had no resources at all, so, I presumed that calculations should be easy). Any insight? Pleeeease! [image]local://upfiles/33910/9EE92DD7CE634779910B77C9321681C6.jpg[/image]