spotting units during player 2 setup..a bug? (Full Version)

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Cicero -> spotting units during player 2 setup..a bug? (7/1/2001 4:43:00 PM)

Situation: SPWAW ver5.3, German assault across a river to Polish Defence, september '39. I am player 2, Polish. During my setup I was able to spot a few of my opponents units, It enabled me to lay down an immediate arty barrage with good effect...which i am not complaining about!! but, I am not sure whether this is supposed to happen or whether its a bug..I havent played anything other than 5.3 so I would appreciate it if someone could enlighten me. :) [ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: Cicero ]

Warrior -> (7/1/2001 8:01:00 PM)

Lucky you. Blast them if you can see them, that'll teach 'em not to set their positions too close to the riverbank. While deploying for a river crossing, I always take one unit and "walk" it through every hex along the river to see if any of the enemy come into sight, than do just what you did - drop artillery on their heads. It's just a matter of visibility. On the other hand, you should not be able to see enemy units that aren't in LOS. [ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: Warrior ]

BryanMelvin -> (7/1/2001 10:49:00 PM)

Was this a scenario? If so, what can sometimes happen is when a scenario is saved from editor from player's two deployment setup -the game will expose units on map when game is played. It is important to save a designed scenario from editor from Player one's deploy phase so this will not occur.

Cicero -> (7/2/2001 1:34:00 AM)

It was a battle generator game, and the units were in line of sight. I suppose In retrospect I would hesitate to call this a bug, but having said that, I cant see a rationale for I missing something fundamental here :confused: ? I must say I dont like the idea of "walking units" along the river bank to expose this kind of situation...seems a kind of "gamey" thing to I wont be following that example. It was interesting to hear that some people do that but I hope it isnt a widespread practice...winning the game at all costs has never been my style. :D

MacCready -> (7/2/2001 2:07:00 AM)

Look at it as just an aspect of recon in the game,I've noticed alot of opponents(e-mail /online) tend to lay down an arty barrage right away just over my deploy line.(As if i'm going to set up like its a race) Hide in woods,jungles,buildings,etc. In Steel Panthers III the gunships/helo's saw just about everything from high altitude in the deploy phase. [ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: MacCready ]

Alby -> (7/2/2001 2:12:00 AM)

I hated that!! pop up a helo to high altitude during deploy and see evrything...geez :mad:

Warrior -> (7/2/2001 3:47:00 AM)


Originally posted by Cicero: I must say I dont like the idea of "walking units" along the river bank to expose this kind of situation...seems a kind of "gamey" thing to I wont be following that example. It was interesting to hear that some people do that but I hope it isnt a widespread practice...winning the game at all costs has never been my style. :D
You call it "gamey," I call it scouting. And since the price my troops pay for not winning is dying, I shall continue to do my best to win. Want to try a PBEM with me? :D ;) :D

Antonius -> (7/2/2001 4:28:00 AM)

Player 2 must always be aware that his units can be spotted by player 1 if they are in LOS. Maybe the attacker should therefore be player 2 instead of player 1, at least in PBEM/on-line games.

Cicero -> (7/2/2001 4:53:00 AM)


Originally posted by Antonius: Player 2 must always be aware that his units can be spotted by player 1 if they are in LOS. Maybe the attacker should therefore be player 2 instead of player 1, at least in PBEM/on-line games.
Yes, that sounds like the solution...hadnt thought of that..will spoil Warriors "scouting" though. ;) [ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: Cicero ]

Warrior -> (7/2/2001 7:24:00 AM)

Player 1 (whichever country) is always the attacker in the battles I've generated, and in the PBEM's I've tried. If there's another way to do it, I'm interested in learning how.

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