LoBlo -> Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual (4/15/2020 9:53:00 PM)
I'm thinking that I'm not alone, when I believe that the most difficult part of CMO and CMANO is appreciating the numerous munitions available to any strike planning. Deciding what munitions would be most effective for any given target takes a lot of time, and often requires me to restart a scenario completely after finding that all the work and effort made to get to a target resulted in an ineffective strike because the munitions were not the correct one to choose. I was surprised to see that its not a problem unique to CMO and that real life pilots have formal references on most effective munitions whenever a strike is planned and reference a database called JMEM (Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual). Listen to this interesting podcast with a naval pilot. 13:50 is where the pilot starts to describe real-world strike planning. Its very informative. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buB8eUOgikk&list=WL&index=4&t=1793s Do you think that CMO can build in a type of JMEM that we can reference for the player? It would be best in a seperate drop down, where the target is inputted and weapons that are qualified to attack it desplayed as an output, with some filters available for country of original, etc. Ben