Kushan04 -> RE: Operation El Dorado Canyon, 1986 - Remade for CMO! (4/29/2020 1:51:28 AM)
I had 3 Crotale batteries randomly spawn right in the middle of Benghazi. Were able to intercept the attacks on the Benina and the Military Barracks. The key SAMS to takeout are the SA-3s. SA-2s can't fire if you come in below 3,500 AGL but you can't go below the SA-3s. Nothing you can really do about the AAA and SHORAD SAMs but get lucky. Thanks again for the AAR. Libyan AD is still looking too good. They had, by most accounts, the most sophisticated AD in the world at the time but they were very poorly trained. Not to mention some of their SAM operators had harsh lesson taught to them a few weeks before in one of the Attain Document operations. Along with a chance at delay their initial reaction I'm thinking about making the AD have a higher chance of turning their radars off. From my research, a lot but not all of the SAMs were blind fired. Since CMO doesn't simulate that, except maybe in the damage roll, I think having less firing might be a good alternative.