Irinami -> *GASP* I live!! (7/24/2003 8:01:06 AM)
I have been quivering in quiet silence for nigh unto two weeks... things have either been quiet here, or oddly much louder as people suddenly get a word in edgewise around my big mouth. :D I changed ISP's. On the upside, I shall soon be able to host a webserver and incur astronomical bandwidth charges. Being a techie, this is a GOOD thing to me. On the downside, it has required that I lose my former e-mail address. For now, I can be reached via: [email][/email] No, I don't care about spam... I've had this thing for 7+ years. I Get enough spam in that account to feed an army! ;) I will again lurk... but beware. Soon I'll be babbling like mad, buwahahahaha-- Oh shoot... I hear the Kunel and the Warlord coming... if I have time to post, I have time to test! :eek: ;) :eek: