Hellen_slith -> RE: Home Before the Leaves Fall (Hellen Entente v. Elmer PO Germans) (6/28/2020 9:21:58 PM)
ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson hey you guys: I'm one of the beta testers so I see crashes every day from one version of the game engine or another. I've discovered that I can save my game in PBEM++ by going to the menu and choosing "close" and then a popup menu appears and I choose "save and close" and the game engine will write the game to disk as it currently is and then closes the game. When you choose that game again from the online menu the game will open where it was last time you saved it. So if it crashes you just load your latest save and continue. I use it all the time. I usually save every five minutes or so. Yes, sometimes it crashes that often. Once Ralph fixes it some other bug shows up instead. It's progress of a kind. Thanks, Larry! Well, I think we are at a sticky point in our HBtLF scene, I leave it to Mr. Felix to decide if we want to 86, or continue? I think I can persuade the Slither Lizard People to restore once more, not sure which point they might grab, but it is worth a shot, if you want. If not, that's cool, we'll look at Mars. I tried to start that one against PO, but man...that is complex scene. Well, let me know!