Fall Weiss II (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Strategic Command Series >> Strategic Command WWII: World at War >> Multiplayer Sessions


crispy131313 -> Fall Weiss II (5/13/2020 2:03:30 AM)

I am looking for an opponent to play Fall Weiss II - World Map

I have no preference for side, if said opponent wanted to do an AAR from their side that would be perfect as it's a new mod that hasn't seen much exposure. It's a crossover from a popular War in Europe mod (100,000+ forum hits) but I know that's a stretch to ask of anyone to do, but I would like this to get some traction and find future opponent as well. So preference would be for that opponent, but again if no takers I'll be happy to play anyone! This would be my first PBEM match on the world map, mod or vanilla.

Link to most recent version:


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