One request (Full Version)

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MonkeysBrain2 -> One request (5/16/2020 4:47:11 PM)

I had that scenario The Great War 2.2 or 2.1 which personally Daniel McBride sent me but I lost it with one hd.
So anyone out there have maybe copy of this scenario. I want to make another AAR based on this because I did one AAR long time ago. As I am amateur WW1 historian [:D] I would like to show capabilities of TOAW Advanced Military Simulator 4.0 playing that scenario. I know that Daniel withdrew all scenarios but I had a helping hand to him during design, and bought books on OOB for 130 US$ because of this sce. It is best WW1 game ever made including great AGEOD To End All Wars. As one of the best scenarios for TOAW it cannot be allowed to be in such obscurity. So please anyone have latest version for TOAW 4 converted?

I have somewhere CD with many scenarios if I found it I will report. There is stuff from 1998!

And I apologize to AGEOD.... I at the time didn't see how great AGEOD games are. They are excellent, I have played most of them. But this scenario is best WW1 game ever made including board games, star wars games, miniatures, baseball games, and better that driving Lamborghini with some pretty actress [:D]

I need all of his scenarios, they are all very good. There was also one between Pakistan and India I think.

Hellen_slith -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 7:21:16 PM)

Well, good luck finding them. I too would like to have a go at certain scenes like "Drang nach Osten" (which I think I still have somewhere on an old, defunct hard drive.)

As far as the supposed "copyright" protection that is bandied about, it is my humble opinion that these scenarios can be shared without fear of the Scenario Police showing up at your door. I think they fall squarely under the "Fair Use" umbrella of exceptions to copyright. While it might be a nice gesture to the author's desires to NOT share them, I still think that (legally) he (and / or Matrix / TalonSoft) cannot assert copyright claims in this case.

Just my two cents!

r6kunz -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 7:22:57 PM)

I only have v2.0. attached:

Please let me know if you are able to retrieve v 2.2 or 2.1

I too am a fan of WWI... let me know if your opinion (and suggestions) for 1914-Gunns of August. It took a lot of balance to allow the Germans a chance to reach the Marne, and then get pushed back...the new Event variable Movement Bias was helpful.

Lobster -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 7:48:47 PM)

I have this one. Probably not what you want.

by Piero Falotti

And grateful collaboration on 3.5-4.1 by Daniel McBride and Jan Skudlinski and the countless people that study the subject and maintain all the wonderful web sites out there!

MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 9:01:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: r6kunz

I only have v2.0. attached:

Please let me know if you are able to retrieve v 2.2 or 2.1

I too am a fan of WWI... let me know if your opinion (and suggestions) for 1914-Gunns of August. It took a lot of balance to allow the Germans a chance to reach the Marne, and then get pushed back...the new Event variable Movement Bias was helpful.

Thank you very much, drinks on me next time [:D]
This is it, and it works... I'll try your scenario Guns of August and let you know my opinion.

Braunschweig is also superb scenario but very brutal and unforgivin. Many thanks. Maybe this will take me over Total War which is hmmm absorbing and I am thinking to attack White Huns with my Sassanids, ah the battle...

MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 9:03:31 PM)



I have this one. Probably not what you want.

by Piero Falotti

And grateful collaboration on 3.5-4.1 by Daniel McBride and Jan Skudlinski and the countless people that study the subject and maintain all the wonderful web sites out there!

Yes, that is also good scenario and included. I will play DMB version The Great War 2.0 and see how Central Powers fares against Antante. [8D]

Hellen_slith -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 9:05:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2

I need all of his scenarios, they are all very good. There was also one between Pakistan and India I think.

As do we all need the scenarios, if only (in my case) to be able to complete my almost absolutely complete collection of TOAW, from the first disc to current.

Maybe if we all chip in and send him a lovely gift of, say, the finest of wines, a box of chocolates and cheeses, and a bouquet of flowers from Flanders, that he might be more amenable to our requests?

I for one respect his wishes, but at the same time ....

COME ON, MAN!!!! :) I would FedEx those wine and flowers in a heartbeat next Monday, but alas, I do not know where to send them :)

MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 9:06:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hellen_sli

Well, good luck finding them. I " protection that is bandied about, it is my humble opinion that these scenarios can be shared without fear of the Scenario Police showing up at your door. I think they fall squarely under the "Fair Use" umbrella of exceptions to copyright. While it might be a nice gesture to the author's desires to NOT share them, I still think that (legally) he (and / or Matrix / TalonSoft) cannot assert copyright claims in this case.

Just my two cents!

Yes, kamarad, you are right... I think that scenario designers took pride if enough players play their scenario. But, I would even given them some percentage of sales to maybe keep them more motivated... Nothing big. Yes, there are hundreds of scenarios but with TOAW 4 there is more possibilities in scenario design.

MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 9:07:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hellen_slith


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2

I need all of his scenarios, they are all very good. There was also one between Pakistan and India I think.

As do we all need the scenarios, if only (in my case) to be able to complete my almost absolutely complete collection of TOAW, from the first disc to current.

Maybe if we all chip in and send him a lovely gift of, say, the finest of wines and a bouquet of flowers from Flanders, that he might be more amenable to our requests?

I for one respect his wishes, but at the same time ....

COME ON, MAN!!!! :)

We would send him a motorcycle for his next visit to El Alamein [:D]

Hellen_slith -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 9:10:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2


ORIGINAL: Hellen_slith


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2

I need all of his scenarios, they are all very good. There was also one between Pakistan and India I think.

As do we all need the scenarios, if only (in my case) to be able to complete my almost absolutely complete collection of TOAW, from the first disc to current.

Maybe if we all chip in and send him a lovely gift of, say, the finest of wines and a bouquet of flowers from Flanders, that he might be more amenable to our requests?

I for one respect his wishes, but at the same time ....

COME ON, MAN!!!! :)

We would send him a motorcycle for his next visit to El Alamein [:D]

Yes, I saw that, while I was running the Tobruk '41 tournament. Great stuff!

MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 9:14:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hellen_slith


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2


ORIGINAL: Hellen_slith


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2

I need all of his scenarios, they are all very good. There was also one between Pakistan and India I think.

As do we all need the scenarios, if only (in my case) to be able to complete my almost absolutely complete collection of TOAW, from the first disc to current.

Maybe if we all chip in and send him a lovely gift of, say, the finest of wines and a bouquet of flowers from Flanders, that he might be more amenable to our requests?

I for one respect his wishes, but at the same time ....

COME ON, MAN!!!! :)

We would send him a motorcycle for his next visit to El Alamein [:D]

Yes, I saw that, while I was running the Tobruk '41 tournament. Great stuff!

He is extraordinary person with short email anwers. Like movie English Patient. Very mysterious man. But, excellent TOAW design. I didn't played DnO or Gott... but some of my TOAW frends had and say that they are very good.

Hellen_slith -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 9:16:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2there are hundreds of scenarios but with TOAW 4 there is more possibilities in scenario design.

Can you imagine what he might be able to do with TOAWIV now? That boggles my mind.

I'm thinking WWII Barbarosa / 1942 / 1943, all at map scale 2.5 km / per hex, 12 hour turns.
Pair him up w/ rkunz to do a series a la the VCO Vietnam Combat Operations series. That would be AWESOME!!

OMG. Well, we can dream.

I think the absolute strongest reason for releasing these gems under "Fair Use" doctrine is, for learning's sake, so that we can all learn from him.

For knowledge sake, RELEASE THE KRAKKEN!!! Information should be free....but send him candy.

MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: One request (5/16/2020 9:45:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hellen_slith


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2there are hundreds of scenarios but with TOAW 4 there is more possibilities in scenario design.

Can you imagine what he might be able to do with TOAWIV now? That boggles my mind.

I'm thinking WWII Barbarosa / 1942 / 1943, all at map scale 2.5 km / per hex, 12 hour turns.
Pair him up w/ rkunz to do a series a la the VCO Vietnam Combat Operations series. That would be AWESOME!!

OMG. Well, we can dream.

I think the absolute strongest reason for releasing these gems under "Fair Use" doctrine is, for learning's sake, so that we can all learn from him.

For knowledge sake, RELEASE THE KRAKKEN!!! Information should be free....but send him candy.

Quite right. 100 Hundred best scenarios must be in Ultimate Badass TOAW Edition 5.0 Starring Stallone, etc...
Collection must be on one place and not looking for holy grail, like quest for long lost scenarios...
TOAW is still king in that regard, other wargames are for amateurs... except some Grisby stuff and few others...

Hellen_slith -> RE: One request (5/17/2020 12:16:20 AM)

Yes, absolutely.

[note to self: begin ToC for Vol. VIII, the ultimate badass TOAWV Edition]


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: One request (5/17/2020 5:39:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: Hellen_slith

Yes, absolutely.

[note to self: begin ToC for Vol. VIII, the ultimate badass TOAWV Edition]


LOL Imagine ads that you can see in London Tube beside SEGA --- Ultimate Badass: TOAW V! [:D]
If Romance of Three Kingdoms spawned 14 sequels, why not?

MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: One request (5/17/2020 6:12:09 AM)

I must say that Five Star Series from SSI, well that was my invention and it proved right. Panzer General spawned million clones.

Shadrach -> RE: One request (5/17/2020 11:05:46 AM)

I have an archive of these scenarios. Apparently converted to TOAW4 by Don Lazov last year:


TOAW IV ( conversion
by Don Lazov 4/25/2019
Scenario version: 3.0

I've made it available here:

MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: One request (5/17/2020 2:09:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Shadrach

I have an archive of these scenarios. Apparently converted to TOAW4 by Don Lazov last year:


TOAW IV ( conversion
by Don Lazov 4/25/2019
Scenario version: 3.0

I've made it available here:

Many thanks Shadrach, that's real treasure for TOAW :)
Now I have scenarios for playing for a long time.


Hellen_slith -> RE: One request (5/19/2020 3:37:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2


ORIGINAL: Hellen_slith


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2


ORIGINAL: Hellen_slith


ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2

I need all of his scenarios, they are all very good. There was also one between Pakistan and India I think.

As do we all need the scenarios, if only (in my case) to be able to complete my almost absolutely complete collection of TOAW, from the first disc to current.

Maybe if we all chip in and send him a lovely gift of, say, the finest of wines and a bouquet of flowers from Flanders, that he might be more amenable to our requests?

I for one respect his wishes, but at the same time ....

COME ON, MAN!!!! :)

We would send him a motorcycle for his next visit to El Alamein [:D]

Yes, I saw that, while I was running the Tobruk '41 tournament. Great stuff!

He is extraordinary person with short email anwers. Like movie English Patient. Very mysterious man. But, excellent TOAW design. I didn't played DnO or Gott... but some of my TOAW frends had and say that they are very good.

Yes, I am sure very extraordinary person and I respect his privacy. Perhaps one reason he wishes to remain in the wings is to avoid being bombarded by our accolades and well wishes, or to avoid prying eyes and questions about his works. It is understandable to me that he wishes to protect his "thought processes" and other clearly protected aspects of his design procedures.

Here is a link to an interview he did with Armchair General web site,
I found it to be interesting insight into the mind of the master.

Lobster -> RE: One request (5/19/2020 4:13:33 PM)

Note what D. McBride says about Piero's Great War scenario:

Got this via the Wayback Machine. [;)]

Hellen_slith -> RE: One request (5/19/2020 4:28:54 PM)

Great find, Lobster!

w/re/to Piero's scenario, I did not like the map so much, but the mechanics impressed.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to play it beyond about the Russian start and the trenches etc. forming in the West;
was doing an AAR, but my opp has been busy for a week or so ....

I suspect that the game bogs a bit around 1915 (to be expected, we all dig in ....)
but I do hope that that game continues, is much easier to play against a flesh (i started it in solitaire) ....
but it is a great scene, takes a lot of fortitude to slog through it, I think.

Anyway, great catch!

Hellen_slith -> RE: One request (5/22/2020 6:45:22 PM)

Was trying to find that quote,
came across this....I have not seen that scene (LOL ;)
was wondering what ever came of it?
Should I be seeing that in the zip file?

This is one I want to look at ... and of course needed for my Ultimate TOAW games and scenarios collection. I need to look for this one.


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