How to read results (Full Version)

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trutyjoh -> How to read results (5/18/2020 10:15:59 PM)

Hello all;
I am looking at the strep log and I am wondering if I am reading it correctly:
Allied Army approximate equipment and personnel losses - 6%
German Army approximate equipment and personnel losses - 17%
2/ 27 Rifle AT- Squad Yes
0/ 8 Medium MG Yes
0/ 6 Heavy MG Yes
1/ 7 57mm / 6 Pounder AT Gun Yes
1/ 2 105mm Howitzer Yes
0/ 9 60mm Mortar Yes
0/ 6 81mm Mortar Yes
0/ 6 Quad AAMG Yes
2/ 11 37mm AA Gun Yes
1/ 24 Truck Yes
4/ 11 Rifle Squad Yes
0/ 12 Truck Yes
in this line: 1/ 2 105mm Howitzer Yes
I think kit means that the unit lost 1 o2 2 105mm Howitzers... and Yes means what?


larryfulkerson -> RE: How to read results (5/19/2020 1:12:24 AM)


and Yes means what?

whether or not there are some reinforcements for those lost units.

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