sveint -> RE: Berserk! sveint(Axis) vs Sillyflower(Allies) (8/4/2020 1:05:22 AM)
Turn 127: June 30, 1944 In the east Germany loses two corps shattered. In the west Germany loses one corps shattered and two air units overrun. In Libya, Italy loses a small corps and the Allies take Tripoli. We counter-attack in the west, shattering the 2nd US armor, a US mech corp and destroying two US paratroopers. The 16th Panzer retakes Amsterdam, but is only at two-thirds strength. Can it hold? Either way this is really good news. [image]local://upfiles/2348/6CEACC0E08794144BE3FC9183B65E426.jpg[/image]