Stefan123 -> Several Flak Q/LW (5/26/2020 3:38:52 PM)
Hello all, From the Point of a Human LW player,GC: 1. There are Stats missing (Weapons Database/Ground Defenses) for the 128mm Flak. At least Max ceiling would be helpful to know for now. 2.Wich Targets can have 88Flak/41? Would help alot when looking for it to relocate. 3.Under wich Cirumstances the computer distribute AA? (Wich type, Min pool required?) Disable this entirely would be very welcome for the Human LW player, just like autoupgrade change of A/C in 1.06[&o] (It was formerly mentioned, the 30mm A/C cannons stats MK 103/108 makes no sense, not sure where to put this?) ...cant wait for 1.06! Keep up this great Work!