Pacific AI (Full Version)

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hyperstork67 -> Pacific AI (5/27/2020 3:42:44 PM)

Hello, I've been playing as Japan and the USA seems to only send submarines at me, even when I gave them extra resources to build with. They seem passive and disorganized. Is there a mod/scenario that makes them more aggressive? And how competent is Japan if I play the USA against them? Help welcome!

Hubert Cater -> RE: Pacific AI (5/27/2020 4:27:40 PM)

Subs will primarily focus on enemy convoy lines to raid unless otherwise scripted to do something else. Seeing action with the US navy is not likely to happen until mid to late 1942 early 1943 as it attempts to build up transport and amphibious transport fleets for naval action and island hopping. Giving it extra resources is unfortunately not likely to change any of this kind of US behaviour in the Pacifi

The Japanese AI should give you a pretty decent game as well but I can leave this for others to comment upon.

Elessar2 -> RE: Pacific AI (5/27/2020 4:49:12 PM)

Obviously you've read my recent posts on this subject.

As I said in my quickie AAR, I got the US building its navy more than it did (tho still not as many ships as I would like, as an IJN fanboi looking for a challenge), and in the relevant scripts [FLEET file] I increased the size of the task forces it would put together, which helped a bit. They would just sail to their doom 12-16 ships at a time, vs. 6-9 (as my AAR indicated). Turning off the naval cruise warp drive is probably my only option to make it more challenging, for either side, necessitating more pre-planning.

WindowsMEXP -> RE: Pacific AI (5/27/2020 4:53:06 PM)

In my current game, I did the invasion of usual Southeast Asian territories (DEI, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines, etc) and also successfully invaded Hawaii. It took about until 42 and 43, but the US has thus far tried to retake Hawaii with a marine and army unit supported by several carriers and battleships, is currently running a marine unit around New Guinea (After I successfully seized it), and just launched a massive invasion of the DEI with two marine units, an army unit, and a tank unit. So I think as Hubert says, it takes time for the US AI to build up.

I have to say I am rather impressed with the AI as someone who is new to the game. The US counter invasion of Hawaii was well coordinated with sea and land units. The US briefly retook Honolulu before I was able to pull Japanese naval and marine units to push the US fleet back and retake Honolulu. For the invasion of the DEI, the US Transports went around the south of Australia thus avoiding the two subs I had around New Guinea as sentries which has caught me by surprise. I am now scrambling to get additional units to DEI before its too late. Could not come at a worse time because I just launched an invasion of Burma. Definitely going to be a close battle.

ThunderLizard11 -> RE: Pacific AI (5/29/2020 1:32:49 AM)



In my current game, I did the invasion of usual Southeast Asian territories (DEI, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines, etc) and also successfully invaded Hawaii. It took about until 42 and 43, but the US has thus far tried to retake Hawaii with a marine and army unit supported by several carriers and battleships, is currently running a marine unit around New Guinea (After I successfully seized it), and just launched a massive invasion of the DEI with two marine units, an army unit, and a tank unit. So I think as Hubert says, it takes time for the US AI to build up.

I have to say I am rather impressed with the AI as someone who is new to the game. The US counter invasion of Hawaii was well coordinated with sea and land units. The US briefly retook Honolulu before I was able to pull Japanese naval and marine units to push the US fleet back and retake Honolulu. For the invasion of the DEI, the US Transports went around the south of Australia thus avoiding the two subs I had around New Guinea as sentries which has caught me by surprise. I am now scrambling to get additional units to DEI before its too late. Could not come at a worse time because I just launched an invasion of Burma. Definitely going to be a close battle.

This is new since launch and glad to hear AI is at least attempting to re-take Hawaii. Still too easy for player to capture in first place - I have never taken Hawaii against MP player and never lost it either. Should be some supply malus or some such.

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