L0ckAndL0ad -> RE: Humanity: Zezerar B (7/12/2020 4:37:48 PM)
Y322, Winter I resign Humanity kept growing south, establishing a new city, called Midway. The war with Hochstaat was going fine, until I got careless and overstretched my forces too thin and too far from the capital too quickly. Logistic system on the enemy territory was made of countless small roads, like a complex web. I was hoping that our existing bases would be sufficient to fulfill the needs of the front, but it almost turned into a disaster. Thousands of soldiers were left without food and ammo. Countless equipment had to be abandoned. But I managed to restore the situation to normal, before it was too late. I stabilized the front and built additional logistic bases in the new region. All that should help my successor to finish our current mission - defeat the Hochstaat. Actually, defeating their forces wasn't that hard. They fought with little planning, disorganized and uncoordinated. Most of their existing forces were defeated in detail by our brigades. There's still a lot of fighting to be done, but the tide has been turned. We share technology with our southern allies. Though there's still no non-aggression pact in place. We are not afraid, really. We seek peace and prosperity, and expect the same from them. Even if peace fails, we will still prevail, because we're prepared to defend our land. We've built great cities, where private enterprises prosper, where there's no food or water shortages, where medicine is readily available to those who need it. Government's size and footprint is as small as was outlined at the beginning of our story. People seem to like me. I step down as a President who is "loved". Not sure what else to add. Some stats. [image]https://i.imgur.com/3m1SEM6.jpg[/image]