Trade to China/Close Burma Road Bug. (Full Version)

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rkr1958 -> Trade to China/Close Burma Road Bug. (6/7/2020 5:39:38 PM)


The US, CW and France sent 2 non-oil and 1 oil to China. Japan closed the Burma road. However, the 3 given/lent RPs appear to still be getting through and don't require any CPs to transport.


rkr1958 -> RE: Trade to China/Close Burma Road Bug. (6/7/2020 5:40:49 PM)

game turn at the start of the Preliminary Production phase.

By the way I pulled a quote from Orm in another thread citing the relevant rule.



With Burma Road closed the Allies are forbidden from routing resources through FIC.


Cut from RAC:

Japan forces closure of Burma Road - the Burma Road is one way that the Allies can transport resources
(see 13.3.2, entry option 9) and build points (entry option 17) to China. The Axis can close it by physical
occupation but Japan can also close it by diplomatic pressure on the Commonwealth.
If Japan does this, an Allied major power can’t transport resources or build points to China via the Burma
Road or French Indo-China until it is at war with Japan or the USA chooses US entry option 24.
China can
still use the road to transport its own resources.
You only have to roll a die for diplomatic closure of the Burma Road, not for physical closure.

Courtenay -> RE: Trade to China/Close Burma Road Bug. (6/7/2020 5:47:29 PM)

The summary is messed up, but you are actually getting the right amount of production. China has six resources, and only six factories are producing. Kunming is idle. So production is right. The question is if China actually gets to save that extra oil. I suspect that it won't. Could you do the production phase, and tell us? Thanks.

rkr1958 -> RE: Trade to China/Close Burma Road Bug. (6/7/2020 5:49:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Courtenay

The summary is messed up, but you are actually getting the right amount of production. China has six resources, and only six factories are producing. Kunming is idle. So production is right. The question is if China actually gets to save that extra oil. I suspect that it won't. Could you do the production phase, and tell us? Thanks.
Will do ... should have it available shortly.

But first, I need to post another (possible) bug. [:(]

Orm -> RE: Trade to China/Close Burma Road Bug. (6/7/2020 5:52:26 PM)

I winder if that bug can be cleared, so you can continue easily.

But first I want to say that it doesn't look like the traded resources are being traded. It just looks like they are shipped. But China has 6 resources and a production multiple of 1 and get 6 BPs. So the traded resources doesn't actually contribute to anything.

Now. To make it look better. Try clearing the 'defaults' on the traded resources. I suspect they will then disappear from the Chinese production screen. And also 'clear' them from any remaining orders on the sender side as well since a 'hidden' override or something can remain and cause issues.

Orm -> RE: Trade to China/Close Burma Road Bug. (6/7/2020 5:53:37 PM)

I am to late, as usual. [:D]

Try just clearing the resources from orders and I think the bug disappears.

rkr1958 -> RE: Trade to China/Close Burma Road Bug. (6/7/2020 7:16:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: rkr1958


ORIGINAL: Courtenay

The summary is messed up, but you are actually getting the right amount of production. China has six resources, and only six factories are producing. Kunming is idle. So production is right. The question is if China actually gets to save that extra oil. I suspect that it won't. Could you do the production phase, and tell us? Thanks.
Will do ... should have it available shortly.

But first, I need to post another (possible) bug. [:(]

I'd say there's a bug ... a saved oil showed up at Kunming.


Courtenay -> RE: Trade to China/Close Burma Road Bug. (6/7/2020 9:16:07 PM)

Yep, that is a bug, alright.

You just found out about the hidden pipeline!

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