RobW -> (9/22/2003 3:32:04 PM)
[QUOTE=Lars]Hi Guys,
I’m sorry to disappoint you all, but the setup is still not finished. :(
I had hoped to finish it by now, but real life has had some serious interruptions. To top all this I’m now leaving for a couple of weeks to have my summer vacation.
I will keep on working on the map and setup during this absence and I hope to present it to all of you about 16-17 of August.
I’m sorry if I’ve let you down but the summer is short here and we need to make the most out of it before the long winter begins. ;)
It looks promising though and the map should be real cool. I could present it to you now, but it’s only partially done so you better wait for the finished version. Well, I changed my mind and attached a snapshot. :D
The fight will probably be centered around the airfield of Carpiquet and the outskirts of Caen on the 9th of June, with a joint force from England/Canada attacking towards Caen against a counterattacking force from SS Hitler Jugend.
Until you here from me again…
Have a nice summer :)
Lars, have you got anywhere with this?