Starvation but no idea why (Full Version)

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spork -> Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 7:33:15 PM)

In my current game everything was going fine until I built a new city and second zone - since then the second zone has never had any food for the populace (but plenty for workers), and my units keep running out of food. I have surplus in both zones and the SHQ and my logistics network is green everywhere. I've also turned on emergency food but that has had no effect. Anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?

KingHalford -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 7:41:08 PM)

Can you post a link to a screenshot?

ramnblam -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 7:50:21 PM)

This happened to me as well, I quickly constructed a agridome and turned on emergency food, I'm not sure what fixed it, because the next time I checked it was fine.

Dampfnudel -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 7:58:31 PM)



In my current game everything was going fine until I built a new city and second zone - since then the second zone has never had any food for the populace (but plenty for workers), and my units keep running out of food. I have surplus in both zones and the SHQ and my logistics network is green everywhere. I've also turned on emergency food but that has had no effect. Anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?

Check if the city has logistical issues. Emergency food needs to be delivered.

Splatsch -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 8:04:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: KingHalford

Can you post a link to a screenshot?

I've got a same kind of issue since several turns, and really don't understand why. I've got enough food in stock, My units are well supplied, but my population is beginning to starve ?

KingHalford -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 8:05:55 PM)

^^^ What Dampfnudel said. It looks like you've got the food you need in the screenshot so it has to be a logistical issue: remember that it can take a few turns for newly altered logistics to take effect (surely the most confusing part of the entire system!)

I also had this problem in one of my youtube let's plays, and I found that waiting a few turns fixed it.

Splatsch -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 8:18:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: KingHalford

^^^ What Dampfnudel said. It looks like you've got the food you need in the screenshot so it has to be a logistical issue: remember that it can take a few turns for newly altered logistics to take effect (surely the most confusing part of the entire system!)

I also had this problem in one of my youtube let's plays, and I found that waiting a few turns fixed it.

First thanks for helping !
Well, that's what I was doing before, but after several turns, it was still the same.
But I just tried to allow emergency food : it's working for me ! (Hunger is now "dropping". Which should be a green arrow by the way, when it improves ^^")
But... I don't understand : why is my population needing it ?

spork -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 8:21:33 PM)

It seems to have magically fixed itself after upgrading yesterday's beta to the final patch. Which is strange as I thought there wasn't any difference, maybe it was something else but I can't see what.

I was hoping it just needed me to run a few turns but that didn't seem to help, I think the last thing I did was allocate some public funds to the zone budget in case that allowed them to buy food off me, or something. I can't tell if that worked, but I doubt it would suddenly resupply all of my units as well. Now that I think of it it's suspicious that *all* of my units ran out of food, no matter where they were.

KingHalford -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 8:24:29 PM)

Did you nationalise or damage their Agriculture Dome when you took the city?

Splatsch -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 8:41:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: KingHalford

Did you nationalise or damage their Agriculture Dome when you took the city?

One "basic" question : what's the matter if you don't nationalise Agriculture Dome ? May it prevent access food to your population ?

zgrssd -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 8:45:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Splatsch


ORIGINAL: KingHalford

Did you nationalise or damage their Agriculture Dome when you took the city?

One "basic" question : what's the matter if you don't nationalise Agriculture Dome ? May it prevent access food to your population ?

The population will try to eat the "Private Food" first. If they lack enough, they will buy it with private credits.
However emergency food allows them to use your Public food in case they run out.
Only Workers, Clonists and Soldiers (inlcuding the ones still in the SHQ) need public food. The population will jsut build and keep upgrading that Domefarm (or in some cases, open air farm).

There is little point nationalizing it, as it provide some public food at 0 upkeep,

Jdane -> RE: Starvation but no idea why (6/10/2020 8:47:26 PM)

Edit : I couldn't have said it better than zgrssd.

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