Demonius -> AAR/Bug Report (6/11/2020 3:11:16 AM)
I'm not sure if this is rather an AAR with a very strange random Event or a bug report, but lets have a look… I started a game with the latest 1.02 release. I exanded my empire a bit, squashing a Hunter Type Minor empire in my northeast, while having Peace with most of the other neighbours. My army was a single Infantry Regular Brigade and the usual bunch of Militia. After capturing the enemy capital at around turn 30, i got a message that another neighbour minor hunter faction had violated my border and declared war. So i strategically moved my main militia army to a supply outpost 4-5 hexes away from the closest border of the new enemy, preparing to repel them. In the next enemy turn Phase... the entire ~60 hex Long border was assaulted by a seemingly endless number of "Shadow Milita Regiments", Irregular Motorised Regiments. I counted at least 60 Regiments advancing in a Broad front toward me, with ~20 surrounding my preparing forcews in the first round, and then proceeding to obliterate them in the next 2-3 turns while i tried to retreat - and then I stopped the onslaught literally 1 hex away from my capital thanks to newly recruited 2 infantry/MG/Arty Brigades and some indep Light Tank/AT Gun Batallions. I am slowly pushing them back. It is gruesome. My supplies dont last at all. There must be thousands of burnt out enemy trucks Littering the plains north of my capital. Now that I got Spy visual I see the full extent: the enemy has at least 100 Regiments of These mechanized Regiments. I cant upload my screenshot as it is too large, but the enemy has a 105th Regiment in front of my defense line. Is this a Freak bug? how can the hunter class minor even support such an amount of troops? Or a WAD with a very Special ability the enemy Nation has? It feels like the onslaught of the golden Horde or something like this...