zgrssd -> RE: Bug: Council task priorities sliders apply changes half-way (6/12/2020 8:46:17 PM)
ORIGINAL: ydmatrix2 For example, I've set up a new Secret Service council, with three possible tasks. They start with a third each (shown as 34% priority) initially. I've set one of the tasks to 0%, and the others to 50%-50%, and Confirmed. The actual applied priorities are 17%, 41%, 42% (can be seen immediately on the same turn via Reports => Organizations => Secret Service Council Overview => Current Task Priority). Game Build Version: 1.02 - 8th June. [image]local://upfiles/72301/B6E0D3863B2F4A449C3F2380D50C1A00.jpg[/image] Not a bug, but very intentional! If a Deparment lead does not like you, he will not follow your budget plan 1:1. He will shift the numbers, based on his prefences. So you may have to "demand the extreme, just to get your goal". Or repeat it by spending more PP.