cfulbright -> RE: Naval transport capacity? (6/12/2020 9:46:27 PM)
There's an explanation in the manual that explains the variables of 1) the unit's Transport Cost, 2) the port size, 3) the damage to the port, and 4) number of ships available, and that goes for both loading and unloading. I tend to just move units to larger ports the turn before or turn of loading. The other thing is, you generally can unload most (but not all) of your units on an invasion beach that does NOT have a city or port in it already, whereas if you try to land them at an existing port, the port's damage limits the size and number of units you can unload, even if it is an invasion hex. I disagree with that rule, as an invasion beach is an invasion beach, even if the port of Siracusa is a mile or two down the shore. Cary