L0ckAndL0ad -> Structural Design 0 (6/12/2020 9:20:32 PM)
Version #17/1.03 Scenario 1.01a-beta1 My upgraded infantry model with newer armor and weapons got worse HP stats, so I'm trying to investigate. I think I kinda know what's happening here, but I wasn't able to test it out yet (my game is on large map and turn times are too long to quickly test this). Rifleman is the base model that you get at the start of the game (I just renamed it). I tried designing Rifleman II by giving it Carbine. Then during the model design phase I finished researching the Automatic Rifle/Padded Suit, CANCELLED the Rifleman II model development, and ordered a new one with better upgrades. Rifleman III model gets 0 Structural Design points, because "Previous Model Version Always Overrules", as the log says. So I think what is happening here is that there's a variable like "int LastModelStructuralDesign = 0" that never got a proper value assigned at design process completion because there was no actual completion. Or Rifleman III refers to the Model II that doesn't exist anymore so it defaults to the Structural Design of null. Or something like that, I guess? Also the base design is lower than the initial model (default 80 vs initial 90), but I guess that's another side affect of the same issue. Screenshots Save file