Laiders -> RE: Slow start on TL3 (6/13/2020 12:04:10 AM)
What do you spent power on early? Seriously I conquered a minor and a major (who had eaten the three minors on our border but all villages) and aggressively developed my infrastructure in my current game without building power gen. I don't think I have hexs giving power but I may have conquered some and not noticed. I don't think so though because, when I checked half-way through my conquest, I noticed my power was stuck at 30 and my assets were somewhat, though not badly, power-starved. I had power tech so I fixed it within a couple of turns but still... you can do a lot without much power. Just have to economise on industry and use infantry instead of vehicles more. Now that I think about it, it might have been the industry I conquered in one of the former minors that completely broke my delicate energy balance. No energy early can be rough but so long as you discover the tech (don't even have to research it), you should be okay. It's really only a problem if you accidentally grief yourself by opening half a dozen fields without a discovered energy tech. That said this is all on regular and normal speeds. In theory epic regular should play the same but higher difficulties will need more optimal play. Finally I swear it has been mentioned somewhere that Vic is thinking about adding this and certainly the idea has been floated a lot so it may come.