zgrssd -> RE: Diplomacy targets waaay to hard. (6/14/2020 10:17:36 AM)
ORIGINAL: Bainin Ispecifically mentioned that the diplomacy actions to worsen relations did not work even if i failed it did not do half or any amount. I was talking about picking one of the "improove relations" options or "sign agreement" options that you could only crit fail. I once got a 250 Difficulty on "propose permanent Contact", so that was a guaranteed crit-fail to drop relations right there. Iti s like this: Harm Relations: Yeah, you already insulted my mother. 20 times. There is not a lot of intentional insults left you could throw at us. Propose Non-Agression: *looks at paper on desk* "Is he wafsdsafga serious?" "Yes sir, that is a genuine offer." "After he insulted my mother. 20 different ways?" "Yes sir, after that." "I did not think he could find a way to insult me like that, but he definitely just did!"