OldSarge -> RE: A Couple Combat Questions (6/13/2020 8:39:37 PM)
ORIGINAL: mainebears I haven't seen this first question explained - for the Supreme Headquarters - you can separately add Replacement troops (note made sure you realize this is in groups of 100 Troops or 10s of Tanks or other vehicles. Do you have to have the Troops in Your Supreme Headquarters or Operating Group Headquarters for the logistic system to add replacement troops to the associated units ? I've always place my replacements with SHQ. If a unit is requesting a replacement of X type, then SHQ will supply any of those types it has in its pool. quote:
I noticed in my latest game that you can run through a lot of oil if you have a lot of Tanks or Motorized Transports or presumably Recon Buggy or Motorcycle troops. Is it normal for you to deplete your oil wells in 20 or 30 years if you have several hundred tanks. It also seems the Tier 4 Truck and Rail Stations burn through a lot of fuel as well. Makes it hard to rely on Oil fueled Power Plants. Those discovered nuclear powered Tanks are a GOD send to eliminate your oil dependence for Mobile Warfare. Yes, the larger the engine the more oil you see sucked out of your reserves. You'll also see the hit on your logistical traffic as well. If you're operating at the end of a long supply tail on a dirt road, you'll need to plan very carefully. If you set up the Applied Science office you can research toward Fuel Efficiency and Fuel Mix Optimization. It can help quite a bit. quote:
Do most People use 25 mm Armor for light and medium tanks to save on weight and therefore engine power and fuel consumption ? Do you use 5 mm Armor on APCs and Mechanized Artillery and Machine Guns for Mechanized Forces (Significant less weight than 25 mm Armor) ? Yes, 25mm seems to work well in general. It is better in the early to middle game, but I still find them hanging out at the end game. I don't pit APC and artillery against armor so 5mm has been acceptable. Now, this is against the AI. I expect a human opponent would catch on and design an effective counter. quote:
I notice the AI seems to normally use Howitzers Guns for Light and Medium Tanks for attacking Infantry. I have Bazookas and Anti-Tank Guns (uses High Velocity Guns) for Armor Attack - Tanks and APC or Armored Vehicles. I assume Heavy Tanks would use High Velocity Guns till you get Lasers and Above Gun types ? Heavy Tanks look to have high fuel use (Due to High Armor Strength - 50 mm Steel Armor till you get better armor than Steel ? ) ? The choice of gun type will come down to whether you want a tank that is good at killing hardened targets or one that is better at dealing with soft targets. In a previous game I setup an Assault gun that was similar to my MED tank except that it had an 88mm howitzer it was very effective at swatting infantry. [8D] My LT tank had a 40mm howitzer and it's soft attack value was higher than the soft attack than on my MED tank with a HV 88mm. One of the things I love about SE, is playing around with this stuff to get just the right model for the job required.