zgrssd -> RE: Higher level city have a wider range before adminstrative burden kicks in (6/14/2020 4:37:51 PM)
Reducing it for smaler sizes? I got a game where I started with a metal and water mine, both 6 hexes from the T1 Village (with a T2 upgraded just waiting approval). So that change would be a problem for planet or at least major empire generation and savegames. A bit of extra AB range would not hurt, but it would also not help that much. Distances that cause Administrative burden tend to be a lot bigger then just 7 hexes. Something I would like, is the ability to put two cities into the same zone. The extra "city hex" could add +1 or +2 range, but all distances would be measure from wichever one you declare "Zone Capitol". That way, if I capture two cities really close togetehr I can fuse them into 1 Zone.