T3 – MarDiv/Army (Full Version)

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rhinobones -> T3 – MarDiv/Army (7/15/2020 12:03:46 PM)

T3 – MarDiv/Army

G2 has a second report. This time they report that the enemy is really “annoyed” by naval air power.

South (off map) units have cut the road and appear to be moving N toward the MarDiv HQ. This is consistent with the objective of envelopment and destruction of the entire MarDiv force.

The entry point for expected reinforcements has been overrun. A new critical objective is to regain the reinforcement entry point and grow MarDiv strength. Without these reinforcements the MarDiv pocket will certainly collapse.

MarDiv and ROK units conduct a fighting retreat to their supply points. In the Northwest MarDiv units make good progress Southward while units from the central Corps are reach out to make contact. The China/N.Koreans are sure to try to cut the lifeline, but consolidation of MarDiv strength should be able to overcome the opposition. The immediate objective is to 1) consolidate, 2) supply all units and 3) get MarDiv reinforcements piped in. Even though the supply point is held, all units MarDiv units North of the MarDiv HQ are without supply.

Army reinforcements are scheduled to land along the Southern coast. These much-needed troops will be instrumental in establishing the logistics train to the MarDiv HQ.


rhinobones -> Turns 1 thru 3 Summary (7/15/2020 12:06:23 PM)

Turns 1 thru 3 Summary

China/N.Korean forces come screaming out of the mountains and mount pincer attacks against the UN coalition forces. TF McLean, forward elements of the MarDiv, the MarDiv HQ and the 3rd ROK Division are all caught in the trap. Except for F McLean, coalition forces are able to withdraw to more defensible positions. Naval air support is provided by two carrier groups located in the China Sea.

For the moment, there are no ground troops available to reinforce the shrinking pocket.


rhinobones -> T4 – China/N.Korea (7/17/2020 12:20:48 PM)

T4 – China/N.Korea

G2 picked up some new intel; the China/N.Korea supply situation is described as “precarious”. That certainly makes the UN troops feel a whole lot better.

China/N.Korea seem to have cut back on the aggressive assaults and migrated more to a maneuver game. The prize of course is to bag the entire MarDiv and 3rd Corps. The enemy does make an attack which cuts the MarDiv from direct contact with the HQ, but other than that it is mostly spoiling attacks.

I’m a bit surprised that enemy troops are not keeping close contact with the MarDiv and ROK units. Maybe it is a supply issue, or maybe they have a lot of units in reorganization and are unable to pursue.


rhinobones -> T4 – MarDiv/Army (7/17/2020 12:22:32 PM)

T4 – MarDiv/Army

MarDiv units move to the Southeast in their mission to meet up with the MarDiv HQ. China/N.Korea resistance is hardening but even though MarDiv is unsupplied they have enough firepower to break through to the South.

Against all odds TF McLean is holding out along the rim the reservoir. Wish I had a couple of fresh battalions to go to the rescue; they don’t deserve this punishment.

The 3rd Division ROK units have successfully disengaged and are able to start clearing the supply line. Only known enemy unit is a mountain cavalry company which shouldn’t be too hard to eliminate. Of course, this depends on whether there are additional China/N.Korea units lurking in the shadows.

TF Dog arrives at the Southern supply depot and immediately moves North. The first enemy unit they encounter is an entrenched infantry battalion. They attack, fail to dislodge the enemy, and end up with a couple of units in reorganization. Obviously clearing the road will not be easy.


rhinobones -> T5 – China/N.Korea (7/17/2020 12:28:14 PM)

T5 – China/N.Korea

In the Northwest a lone MarDiv armored company was unable to disengage and was subsequently overrun by the enemy. It was never the intention to sacrifice them in a delaying action, but that is the way it developed. As it withdraws, China/N.Korea troops were unable to make any significant attacks on the remainder of the MarDiv.

A few attacks are made against the 1st MarDiv HQ and ROK units, but the attacks are weak and easily repulsed.

The enemy don’t appear to be making any effort to stop coalition troops from moving up the coast to the MarDiv HQ. Maybe the UN can exploit this negligence.


rhinobones -> T5 – MarDiv/Army (7/17/2020 12:30:03 PM)

T5 – MarDiv/Army

TF McLean continues to hold out. They should have been ordered to pull an all-out attack against the weak AA unit to their Southeast, but that option was discussed after TF McLean had already dug in. If they survive another night, they’ll be ordered to make a breakout attack to the South.

As MarDiv moves Southeast toward the rally point an armored company manages to occupy the reinforcement point for TF Drysdale. Should the enemy fail to dislodge this unit and should the fact that the entry point is “unsupplied” not be an issue, the China/N.Korea high command will be mighty surprised to find three fresh reinforcement units coming to the rescue.

TF Hode is also available; however, their entry point is still under enemy control. Unless the enemy does something unforeseen, TF Hode may be waiting a while for their deployment.

The ROK have successfully disengaged most of their units and are now working to open the supply road. They assault and disorganize a cavalry unit blocking the road and are on their way to hooking up with the 1st MarDiv HQ.

A bit further South TF Dog wipes out an enemy infantry battalion. They are supported by two strong artillery companies and have plenty of supply. TF Dog should have no problem linking up with the ROK and MarDiv units. The trick will be to keep the China/N.Korea units from infiltrating and cutting the supply line. Seriously considering reorganizing each ROK and TF Dog infantry battalion into two companies. This should give the UN some mobile units to defend the supply line approaches and still support the move North. Command’s estimate is that a well-supplied army company with access to a few replacement squads is more than equal to depleted China/N.Korea battalions.


John B. -> RE: T5 – MarDiv/Army (7/17/2020 8:43:56 PM)

I had no idea you had reinforcement points. Glad my troops occupied them unknowingly. That's part of the fun of playing a new scenario, you're not sure of what is going to happen. More like real life.

rhinobones -> RE: T5 – MarDiv/Army (7/19/2020 11:53:42 AM)

Reinforcements were a couple battalions in strength. Not an overwhelming force, but enough to have opened up a supply route to the MarDiv units.


rhinobones -> T6 – China/N.Korea (7/19/2020 11:55:30 AM)

T6 – China/N.Korea

The China/N.Korea battalions performed the usual attacks all along the MarDiv perimeter with one attack eliminating an engineering unit and another kicking the Marines out of the reinforcement entry zone.

In the center a couple of weak AA units attempt to complete the encirclement of the MarDiv HQ while a few klicks South a battalion moved to a blocking position.

On the Western edge of the battle zone G2 detects enemy movement. One, maybe two, infantry battalions moving Southeast in an apparent attempt to cut the supply route. Would expect that any serious move by the China/N.Korea force would include some artillery and recon.


rhinobones -> T6 – MarDiv/Army (7/19/2020 11:57:32 AM)

T6 – MarDiv/Army

G2 has some interesting enemy communications intercepts to report. Chinese front-line commanders are reporting that they are unable to ascertain size or strength of the isolated coalition units. All they know is that there are a lot of them and they’re angry.

TF McLean makes a couple of all-out attacks and breaks the encirclement. They are still a long way from joining up with the MarDiv, but at least there is hope. As of their last reported position, they might also be able to occupy one of the reinforcement locations.

The MarDiv lost the reinforcement center they had occupied and are now forced to regroup and build a defensible perimeter. Even without supply they are still a viable fighting force and are intent on joining up with the MarDiv HQ. Knowledge that strong units are moving up from the South bolster the feeling that they are still able to win this fight.

ROK 3rd Div units have broken free from the pursuing China/N.Korea force. These units are teaming with TF Dog to clear the supply train and guard the flanks. So far, the ROK has performed excellently. The TF Dog battalions were reorganized into companies (two reinforced companies per battalion). With a doubling of the mobile infantry units, coalition command is able to both secure the flanks and push a relieving force to the MarDiv. Experience on the battlefield indicates that these heavy companies are equal to, if not greater in strength, than the China/N.Korea battalions. Lack of supply on the enemy side seems to be a part of this equation.


rhinobones -> Turn 4 thru 6 Overview & Summary (7/19/2020 11:59:23 AM)

Turn 4 thru 6 Overview & Summary

China/N.Korea completes the isolation of the MarDiv and the remains of TF McLean make a late breakout. The Northern picture is complete with envelopment of the MarDiv HQ and its vital supply drop point. The coalition also loses control of the reinforcement drop zones and, therefore, is denied the needed reinforcements.

Further South the ROK are successful in breaking contact and are able to move toward relief column TF Dog. Together their goals are to open/defend the supply route and open a path to the MarDiv.


rhinobones -> T7 – China/N.Korea (7/21/2020 12:48:52 PM)

T7 – China/N.Korea

China/N.Korean assaults on the MarDiv perimeter succeed in breaking up the integrity of the Marine defensive line. The depleted units are now separated and a prey to encirclement and elimination.

On the left, movement that was detected earlier has not been seen again. Question is, are these units still moving South or has the trajectory changed toward the MarDiv HQ? Suspect that keeping the encirclement of the MarDiv HQ is an enemy priority.

To the right a new swarm of China/N.Korea battalions descend on the ROK. ROK needs to pull out to more defensible (and better supplied) positions in order to protect the supply line.


rhinobones -> T7 – MarDiv/Army (7/21/2020 12:51:36 PM)

T7 – MarDiv/Army

The MarDiv tries to consolidate the perimeter but are unsuccessful and gaps remain. If they move quickly the China/N.Korea may be able to isolate and destroy the Northern most MarDiv elements. This could become a disastrous move.
On the good side, a lone engineering unit is able to assault and occupy a reinforcement zone. Can’t imagine that the enemy will not overrun the engineers, but there is always hope.

TF McLean continues on their remarkable breakout. They eliminate a weak AA unit on their trek South. Also, there is a reinforcement zone to the Southeast occupied by a China/N.Korea artillery unit. This is another slim chance that reinforcements will deploy.

TF Dog is now augmented with ROK elements and is pushing North to relieve the MarDiv. Several China/N.Korea units are encountered, attacked and forced to retreat. These units appear to be disorganized, divided and in poor shape to offer resistance. Unless there are unseen China/N.Korea units in the area, the path to MarDiv HQ should be opened soon.

On the far right ROK has a tight engagement with fresh China/N.Korea units. Appears to be an entire regiment attacking ROK positions. The coalition commander’s plan is to pull back closer to ROK supply and let the enemy move into a depleted supply posture. At that point, the ROK can defend and attack with improved lethality.


rhinobones -> T8 – China/N.Korea (7/23/2020 3:18:03 PM)

T8 – China/N.Korea

In the North, China/N.Korea attacks force TF McLean and MarDiv units into two isolated pockets. The larger MarDiv group is composed of multiple units, but they are all hungry and on the edge of exhaustion.

On the right the skirmish with ROK units continues, however, a couple of strong China/N.Korea battalions seem to have disappeared into the mountains. Suspect that they will reappear in an attack against TF Dog, attempting to cut the supply line.

The MarDiv HQ force is well supplied and continues to fend off enemy assaults.


rhinobones -> T8 – MarDiv/Army (7/23/2020 3:19:38 PM)

T8 – MarDiv/Army

The isolated MarDiv units assault and recapture the reinforcement entry zone. Maybe this time the China/N.Korea force will be distracted by events further South and not drive them out of the zone.

TF Dog supported by ROK elements push North and succeed in making contact with the MarDiv HQ force. Their hold is tenuous and will need to expand the perimeter before making a push North.

On the right coalition troops are on alert for possible envelopment moves by the enemy. A close watch is kept on the terrain East of the main road for any sign of China/N.Korea battalions. A UN tactic being employed is to stay near the road and closer to supply while making the enemy fight at an extended distance from their supply.


rhinobones -> T9 – China/N.Korea (7/23/2020 3:21:17 PM)

T9 – China/N.Korea

Overwhelming enemy forces crash down on the remains of TF McLean and the MarDiv. Both pockets are eliminated. This is a catastrophic loss, but worse still, the two reinforced Chinese/NK divisions who destroyed the pockets are now available to finish off the MarDiv HQ.

On the Eastern flank, what appears to be two fresh regiments engage and drive the ROK units back toward the supply line.


rhinobones -> T9 – MarDiv/Army (7/23/2020 3:23:06 PM)

T9 – MarDiv/Army

UN high command assesses the situation and determines that a general withdraw is in order. Fall back to Wonsan, maybe even the 38th parallel and regroup. The enemy has won the Chosin Reservoir and Chesty Puller is furious. The UN coalition concedes.

Game notes and observations.

The scenario is difficult from the UN side but probably not impossible.

More aggressive use of TF McLean might have freed up he two reinforcement hexes just South of McLean’s initial position. The trick then would have been to keep them supplied through turns 3 and 5 when reinforcements were scheduled to arrive. My initial thought on TF McLean was that it was mostly designed for artillery but there was a good amount of infantry embedded within the artillery. This became evident when I finally decided to attempt the breakout.

The larger MarDiv force was not only hampered by disengagement from the enemy, but the terrain made it almost impossible to move more than a hex per turn. At that rate it was never positioned to join up with either TF McLean or the MarDiv HQ units. I also made things worse for them by conducting a couple of spoiling attacks which opened the defensive perimeter to enemy infiltration.

Bottom line, maybe more aggressive play, a bit of luck with the dice and Chesty Puller would be proud.

According to my boot camp DIs, this is not the way the battle ended. Chesty Puller would not be happy with me.


larryfulkerson -> RE: T9 – MarDiv/Army (7/23/2020 3:31:35 PM)


One question, I have several units in full supply and in good shape who turn after turn only get one MP. Am I missing something with these?

Are these units on foot or do they have trucks to carry them? What else is in the unit that might carry them? I'm guessing that they lost their trucks somehow and now they are afoot.

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