Tchey -> RE: v1.03 : pressing 8/9 to see previous/next unit is not working (6/17/2020 12:39:31 PM)
Thanks, No, nothing, it’s quite random for some, and always broken for others, not based on saved file, maybe position of the third moon or wind color... When we press 8/9 it changes the zoom level, on AZERTY and BÉPO alike even if they are not the same keys. In France, we have to hit Shift+123 to actually write 123. Without Shift, on BÉPO it’s "«»() +-/* BÉPO 789 is +-/ AZERTY 789 is è_ç Despite these differences, both layouts have the same behavior (chaotic...), but only with 789, not with the other keys, that’s what is raising questions. Also, i’m on PC Linux via WINE with BÉPO, others are on Windows with AZERTY, and one said he has no problem with 8/9 even if having the same keyboard as another one with issue...