chb75 -> general feedback (6/17/2020 6:20:01 PM)
Fantastic game, i think i have already 100 hours on it! i share my feedback, maybe due to my playstyle, but anyway here we are : I find all on map resources overly underestimated, depleting in few years, hence: 1) Is not usual to build improved estractors, as it will make depletion even faster (bad investement) 2) after a while all the natural resources deplete and are obtained by "endless" syntetic building. 3) this remove the reason to fight for a resource rich location (in middle game)... as most of the map is useless only cities matters Too easy to produce resources by syntetic plants (not only fuel, all of them) as with solar energy you have endless resources... you need only time and few tech Prospecting is far too easy : no need to use the cards or to set the slider more than 10%, you need it just when expanding very fast... at the end resource prospecting is automatic in short time with tiny effort. I really miss the OOB some mixed battalion: inf+Anti tank is a must have in the first years (to use anti tank gun concentrated is very underperforming), also mixed tank + recon, mobile inf + recon or units like mobile milita battalion etc. It will give far more strategic choice Mobile regiments use twice manpower than leg inf.. too much to be useful, you can use only if you are manpower high.. also not "historical".. never built a truck infantry unit for APC is different as they fight! Too high fuel consumption by tanks, especially compared to fuel natural reserve. In real world we would have run out of natural petroleum in the 1942 .. It is messy to move a general to another HQ, or to any other position : first you need to remove than replace with a lot of leader reactions: it should be a "swap" position command. Far too many strategic cards even juggling with the sliders: after i while i am submerged (and the target for strategic card was to decrease micro management!) The slider inside a cabinet dont remember the previous allocation, every time you are asked for reallocation you get value closer to 50% than last setting. (just boring) the priest are too micro requiring .. but are a very good addition.. Far too easy to ignore radiation.. evirosuit is generally enough.. just in a eartlike planet for 20/30 turns it matter .. and not so much too Anyway just personal feeling, the game is very good, keep up the good work!