76mm -> RE: Can't move Zone Borders (6/19/2020 3:25:00 PM)
Here is a screenshot. The "zone" consists of the handful of hexes around Petroslope, the city in the center of the screen a few hexes to the NW of the main line. Please note: 1) the hex highlighting I mentioned; 2) the border of Petroslope (the zone I'm trying to change) used to be about 15 hexes to the west...during the on-going war it somehow shrank to the handful of hexes around the city that you can see in this shot. This has caused me a huge problem, because admin strain in Polyhead, my main zone, has now reached 47%! 3) As you can see, I am trying to change Petroslope's zone, but the screen says it is changing Polyhead. 4) Previously I changed a different zone's border, had absolutely no problem; now I tried to change that same zone's border again, and got the same kind of errors you see here. [image]local://upfiles/11887/E413BE13EBF8440F92A6D91D913DBCED.jpg[/image] I just saved and exited the game...perhaps it will be fixed when I reopen it this evening...if not I will not be able to continue this game, admin strain is crippling.