Town and area names (Full Version)

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EagleMountainDK -> Town and area names (6/20/2020 9:37:04 PM)

How does SE create names for Town and areas? See this screen shot from my current game:


I live in the town 'Farum' here in Denmark and Corona....[:D]

scottrossi -> RE: Town and area names (6/20/2020 10:58:57 PM)

I don't think it's creating these names. They seem to be drawn from a list of community names, like Fontet and Cognac; surnames like Noorly and Lovelock; and just random words.

VoodooDog -> RE: Town and area names (6/20/2020 11:06:23 PM)

How do you upload such a big picture with under 200kb available?

Destragon -> RE: Town and area names (6/21/2020 12:17:18 AM)



How do you upload such a big picture with under 200kb available?

Upload it elsewhere, then use the [image ][/image ] tag to make be displayed right in the post.

VoodooDog -> RE: Town and area names (6/21/2020 10:33:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Destragon



How do you upload such a big picture with under 200kb available?

Upload it elsewhere, then use the [image ][/image ] tag to make be displayed right in the post.

i tried that (with abload) and the forum said iam not allowed to post links

Jdane -> RE: Town and area names (6/21/2020 2:29:19 PM)

Was it some time ago? You might be able to now since you reached 50 messages posted.
As far as I can tell this limitation only applies when the account here is new.

Leslac -> RE: Town and area names (6/21/2020 8:19:56 PM)

From what I've noticed it's all very Euro-centric, so it's possible he's grabbed a long list of central European areas, towns and cities, and they get pulled from a randomized list.

Vesterbro m'self ;)

Oh and isn't "mire" a pretty good description of Farum nowadays [:D]

ObeseMonkey -> RE: Town and area names (6/22/2020 10:29:52 PM)

It works well but would be neat to have a bit more variation in culutres. Probably too much work for the dev, but maybe a mod could be made? Chinese, Indian, even mesoamerican/Native american would be neat.

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