LordAldrich -> RE: how big an engine? (6/22/2020 7:01:45 PM)
All that matters is the total weight of the vehicle and the weight rating of the engine. If the engine rating is higher, you can get up to a 30% movement bonus. If it's lower, you get movement penalities all the way up to "totally immobile, can only use strategic movement". The exact weight ratios to movement bonuses are in the rulebook. Each part you pick lists it's weight, and the tooltip when you mouse over gives you a running total weight of the design so far. Non-obvious things: the model chassis itself has weight, and the weight of the engine itself counts too. Bigger engines have higher fuel costs to build the unit, but have better fuel efficiency when actually moving the unit. Personally, I almost always use the biggest engine I can. Edit: like everything in model design, there are random rolls involved. You order the size class of engine you want, but what you actually get is based on your model design director's Technician skill roll. So if your models always suck, it's probably not you (the player) it's probably your model design director.