eddieballgame -> RE: More Readable Font (6/24/2020 10:24:49 AM)
Glad to see you tackling this area as my only complaint (early on) was the readable text. One thing I tried, with some success, was to make copies of the 'ARIALBD' font file & rename them 'king' & 'small5'. I experienced with other files, but did not get any results that satisfied me. Keeping backups, of course, I replaced the originals with the new font files. Even though I use large monitors, I found this helped my aging eyes even more. There is a lot of reading required & any help in this area is a welcome addition to me. The in-game scaling helps some, depending on the monitor...so that is a welcome addition from 'Vic'. There is always 'Magnifier', but...even that can be a pain. [:)]