eddyvegas -> EV ambient wind mod now with OPTIONAL Paris Texas mod (6/27/2020 4:19:52 PM)
I'm not sure why I keep doing this stuff. But I requested on the forum some ambient wind as background sound while playing. Then it hit me I could just hack the game. So I did. THIS MOD WILL DELETE THE IN-GAME MUSIC. THERE IS NO UNINSTALL, FILE TOO BIG. I HIGHLY SUGGEST MAKING A COPY OF YOUR SHADOWSOUND FOLDER BEFORE INSTALLING. After installing, turning the music on (I suggest 20%) will now provide an ambient wind soundtrack to your game. How I did it: there is one track that is 18:38 in length, that's the wind. All the other tunes have been replaced with 2 seconds of silence. Now, what does it sound like? Let me reassure you there is a lot of silence. The wind comes in very softly then fades. It comes back after a while. I also sampled some synth sounds from the in-game music and sprinkled them in every 3rd or 4th wind. This kind of bumps things up every once in a great while. The whole thing is very subtle. I've been listening to it and I think it adds to the game. But I need some testers to tell me yea or nay. I can understand if it's a nay, I haven't really decided myself. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/bqdfr64fnzyx7n9/Ambient_wind_mod.zip/file Here is a version with no music and with the wind a bit more frequent. I like this better: http://www.mediafire.com/file/m77epcvu3cvfi4x/EV_Ambient_wind_mod_wind_only.zip/file (EDIT) DO NOT DOWNLOAD IF YOU ARE NOT USING THE WIND MOD. So if you've been using my wind mod, you've probably noticed those eerie vocals that fade in from time to time. Well, what I've done is replace them with some slide guitar and a pad synth. They are mixed at the same volume the vocals were, so they will not be too jarring. I can't really playtest since the triggers are random, but they sound fine to me the few times I've heard them. http://www.mediafire.com/file/6zf4lwv6slfx3fu/Paris_Texas_sound_mod.zip/file I suggest downloading them, then have a listen to 3 or 4 before you decide to install. -Eddy