ColRosenberger -> RE: Status (12/4/2020 6:24:34 AM)
Glad you're doing better Peter, sad to hear you haven't been programming since. I hope you can fully recover and keep on living a happy life and pursuing your dreams. My selfish wish would be to see this game grow a lot more and get a better scalable UI, better AI, and implementation of more ASL rules as well as more user visibility of what goes under the hood (I've always wanted to see the dice rolls, for that tabletop feeling). If not in the current engine, at least in a sequel. If MMP are finally interested, having the official ASL name would surely open some doors (though this kind of partnership has to be approached with extreme caution). But take care of your health first! Re: the source code, I completely understand why you wouldn't want to sell it. Thinking more long-term though, I've always believed that all software published should be required to have the source code in escrow somewhere so it gets released to the public eventually (at the latest when copyright expires). In the same spirit that a copy of every published book is sent to the Library of Congress in the US. Unfortunately the norm tends to be the opposite, that source code gets lost (like happened to Heroes of Might and Magic III, expansions were excluded from the graphics remake because of the lack of source code). I hope you have provisions in place so that the source code of such a work of art as Tigers on the Hunt won't get lost and will eventually revert to the public.