ydmatrix2 -> 1.04b1 Who killed my Paladin? (7/3/2020 3:49:36 PM)
A unit of Assault Guns with an "Apocrypha Paladin" feat attacks a group of marauders and wild life. Not a single hit lands on any of my sub-units, but the Paladin is "killed"? How? More details (see screenshot): * Looking at the enemy forces, not a single one of them landed a single shot on my units * On combat round 3, sub-unit 4 still has the paladin embedded as of the last attack of the round. In doesnt get hit, and would presumably still be there the next round. * On combat round 4, sub-unit 4 starts the round already without the Paladin. Where is he? Potentially related? * The Assault Guns has a commando attached (granted by a decision event at the start of the turn) * The Commando is embedded with sub-unit 3 * As with the paladin, the commando is present at end of round 3, and absent at start of round 4 * The Commando has a 10% chance to die per round, so that's possible (although no info in detailed combat log). Is it possible that somehow the death of the commando killed the paladin as well by mistake? [image]local://upfiles/72301/0EC70690FDC84F708FA2CAB5DA86E3F6.jpg[/image]