vlad1492 -> Wall of feedback (7/12/2020 7:21:29 AM)
Constructive comments here intended to help. Very much admire the work to date and am quite pleased to see a product that has so much of what I enjoy about PC gaming. Second: Please fix your publisher/vendor. I've tried five times to buy the program, they keep spitting out 'go away'. Email for help got no answer. No phone number to call. Three different perfectly valid credit cards from two addresses, finally had to have a friend use paypal for me. Third: Turn delay is a killer, really detracts from the game to spend a large portion of playtime staring at 'please wait'. Seems much improved as of beta 4, at least on my early map tests. Currently experimenting with beta_6. I've tried to eliminate redundant suggestions from what others have posted, but admit I did not read all of them. On to the details: Odd bugs, quality of life items, and suggestions all in a row. Selecting a preferred candidate from a long list is painful. Allow us to choose our candidate, make it cost extra PP and faction happiness, maybe boost bigboot vs democracy. Escape and spacebar do not end conversation when you 'Call' a leader. Should have consistency of interface, escape always gets you out of the window. Escape and spacebar do not close 'Build Road' interface. Fuel Efficiency research does not seem to change Motorcycle's fuel use Bio-fuel refinery needs a nerf. Build up a few levels and you get a whole lot of fuel for not much food/energy. In contrast with bio-fuel, hi-tech industry does not seem to benefit from economies of scale. As the facility gets larger there should be an improvement in the output vs input ratio. If there is a tech discovery budget allocated, but no discovery is possible, roll those BP to the 'Research' side. Right now it seems they go to waste. If a unit is part of an OHQ and the OHQ gets scrapped, the unit becomes part of the SHQ but there doesn't seem to be a way to bind it to a new or different SHQ On annexing a minor faction that is not connected, unable to build roads in that territory even after building an SHQ there. (User error, needed to assign SHQ to that zone, but why was it so hard to figure out? ) Let me vote on a slate of 'no change' when the time comes to update council policy. Scroll-click-click twenty or so times every so often isn't fun. Also, put the buttons where I can see them without scrolling on the council policy screens. Please include actual BP allocation as well as percentage on the funding allocation interface. Right now we have to dig into a different report. Vastly overfunding science doesn't seem to allow more than one discovery per turn. Should either allow all you can pay for, or tell you when you are wasting your resources. I do see that more than 100BP/turn is discounted heavily. If we had a queue then overflow could apply to next in line. Scrapping units doesn't seem to return metal, at least not same turn. If it is delayed, say so in the scrap description. Include engine power in a useful way on the design screen. Right now it is a best-guess and on a new unit you may end up far over or under powered. No option exists to send spies into rebel-controlled area. We can spy on hostile regimes and neutrals. Should be able to spy on our own rebellion. Wishlist: Have an option to erase/enslave city. Adding a rundown backwater to my glorious one-city empire ruins my day pretty fast. Everybody gets jumpy and moves, messes up my economy. I want to raze/enslave/assimilate. Robotic citizens. If I can build soldiers, why not workers and general pop? Accessorize your units! Extra fuel cans, ration packs, ammo bricks all at the cost of weight etc. I want to be able to send infantry a long way over the mountains to secure a site without starving. Airdrop supplies, for when there is aircraft. Drop-pod for when there are space installations. Have an option to restrict/forbid/force population location. City is closed, by order of his BigBootness. Perhaps at a rapidly increasing happiness cost. Defeating units with metal gear allow a percentage to be salvaged. (Yeah, I am starving for metal right now) Remap for keybinds - I keep hitting 'Guard' instead of 'Next Unit' List of units displaying their available resources AP/AMMO/FUEL, etc. Click to center cursor there. Final: Thank you again for making this, I'm a happy camper and look forward to many more campaigns.