Desert War Version 1.0.5 is out (Full Version)

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Daniele -> Desert War Version 1.0.5 is out (7/13/2020 2:34:46 PM)

Desert War Version 1.0.5 is out.

You can download the update from here




Version 1.0.5 Changelog

- Unit strengths shown when cursor over unit counter when zoomed in
- Battle results now show loses in Men/Vehicles/Planes/Guns
- Re-arranged next phase button as sometimes it was behind Unit Info window.

- Right hand display updates. Can now show (optionally):
* Game details
* Number of guns/vehicles/men per hex
* Hex contents details (quality of units, attack/defense strengths, Shock, AA, ZOC, and stacking values.
* hotkeys can now shown on right hand panel so can remain open when playing the game.

- AI Assist allows user to:
* Can group move all units in the same organization
* Automatically assign Air support immediately and/or at turn start
* Automatically assign Artillery support immediately and/or at turn start
* Automatically plan ground battles support immediately and/or at turn start

Editor couldn’t import Ground Assets.
Editor Army Unit Tab flag markings were incorrect.



41_04_Assault on Tobruk
41_05_Rommel Unleashed (Hypothetical)
41_06_Battleaxe--No Exporter--Full Tiger
43_09_Tough Old Gut (Redux)

* Added Air Asset: Superb Air Defense (Germany, Italy, CW & US)
* Added Ground Asset: Counter-battery (Germany, Italy, CW & US)
* Added Ground Asset: Hot Chow! (US)

* Added correct NATO motorized symbol for side1 (Allies).
* Updated MainScreen with current BK Games logo.

Operazione E
* WDF Forces vicinity Mersa release changed from GT12 to GT9.

Enter Rommel
* Trento HQ enters the map on GT21.
* VPs for El Adem changed to 1 VP per turn for Axis.
* VPs for Bengazi changed from 3 VP to 0 per turn for Allies.

Operation Brevity
* Changed starting side from Axis to Allies.

Battle of Sollum
* Combat factors corrected for Det 1/I./33.Flak Regt.
* Corrected counter color for 62 Sicilia HQ.
* Changed starting side from Axis to Allies.
* Added Alam Batuma label to map.

The Rats vs The Ram
* 3.AT Bn placed under command of 8 Bers III
* 2./4th Motorized AA Bn placed under command of 8 Bers III

Sidi Rezegh
* Changed starting side from Axis to Allies.
* Changed set-up zone for IX./21.Arty Regt from 6 to 14.

Tough Old Gut
* USS Brooklyn picsNavy corrected.
* HQs for 71st Artillery Regt changed from 128th Bde to 138th Bde.

Tough Old Gut (Redux)
* Attack and Defense factors of all ground units halved; in-game values were too large for easy comprehension of potential combat odds. Air and naval remain the same as it was felt that they were undervalued in the original version of the scenario.
* All recce battalions broken down into companies. This will improve the German's ability to gather intelligence given Allies air superiority.

superhans -> RE: Desert War Version 1.0.5 is out (8/1/2020 12:43:35 PM)

Good Job...many thanks

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