Recon Point? (Full Version)

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siRkid -> Recon Point? (7/15/2020 1:56:12 AM)

So I have a minor country stomping all over my territory , changing my boarders and cutting off my supplies
and I can't talk to them because I need 1 Recon point? It's killing the game for me. If you come in contact
with a unit, you should automatically be in touch with that country.

Twotribes -> RE: Recon Point? (7/15/2020 3:00:22 AM)

You actually see his units? Got no spies?

seiSetill -> RE: Recon Point? (7/15/2020 8:57:51 AM)



So I have a minor country stomping all over my territory , changing my boarders and cutting off my supplies
and I can't talk to them because I need 1 Recon point? It's killing the game for me. If you come in contact
with a unit, you should automatically be in touch with that country.

You'll have to assign a spy to the territory they are coming from, or push your units deeper into their territory.

siRkid -> RE: Recon Point? (7/15/2020 9:46:20 AM)

Thanks all. I did not know that was solved with spy.

Foxador -> RE: Recon Point? (7/16/2020 1:56:35 AM)

Still you have to watch out for minors, they have a massive hard on for bum rushing your land since it's free real estate. You're at "peace" but unlike majors no held territory is actually respected until you propose peace with them.

So until you either kill them or propose peace to them they WILL do everything in their power to take as much land from you as possible and even your cities if you leave no units in them all while being at peace. They also love going around your units and cutting them off from supply then going back to where they started.

Since minors don't fight each other no matter their type, IE raiders ignore farmers [&:][&:], the only real person of interest is you the player so they'll use every single one of their units to invade your land the moment your borders touch them.

Jdane -> RE: Recon Point? (7/16/2020 2:57:27 AM)

Indeed. Even alien lifeforms are perfectly happy to respect the borders of AI minor regimes, but the instant you annex the latter, the former will then go for nearby hex perks and cities.
It's just a quirk you have to be aware of.

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