rhinobones -> T16 Argentina (8/18/2020 12:40:32 PM)
T16 Argentina Summary of Argentine and British casualties and material losses. Totals are the sum of Assigned and Lost. Some of the On Hand units may have been deployed at one time but are not included in the total count. Note the large number of Argentine aircraft losses. Troop count includes all infantry types except for engineers: Brits: 400 Troops Deployed, 143 Lost, 36% Argentine: 523 Troops Deployed, 164 Lost, 31% Aircraft count includes all rotary and fixed wing types: Brits: 48 Deployed, 16 Lost, 33% Argentine: 94 Deployed, 62 Lost, 66% Most Argentine F/A fixed wing were deployed for a few days and then rotated out. All 94 were never in theater at the same time. Nevertheless, Argentina will need a new air force to replace their losses. It is surmised that Argentine failure to properly deploy Exocet missiles had a negative, but not fatal, impact on the outcome. Their deployment would probably have cost the British a few war ships, but not changed the final result. The UN will debate the situation and eventually rule that the Falkland Islands remain governed by the United Kingdom. The Argentine attempt to claim the islands has come to an end. Regards, RhinoBones Edit: While searching the TOAW III AAR list I happened on this AAR from July 2014. It was written by Choowee during the development of the Falklands 1982 scenario. [link=http:// https://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3663542][/link] [image]local://upfiles/5722/717B9CD946074A089A697C14E7DC8061.jpg[/image]