UP844 -> RE: AFV's not making Bog check in debris hex (7/18/2020 11:19:53 AM)
I just made a very quick test with debris in a dedicated test scenario, setting up 10 StuG III G before a belt of debris hexes. In two moves, the StuGs entered a total of 43 hexes and bogged 5 times (~8%). Don't take this as an absolute figure, but it is clear that an AFV entering a debris hex is much less prone to bog. When the bogged AFV attempted to remove their bogged status, 3 succeeded, 1 became Mired, 1 became Immobilized). On the first turn, the StuG spent 1 MP to start, then moved three debris hexes (those that didn't bog). On the second turn, the StuG moved three debris hexes and then another two open ground hexes. Assuming a movement allowance of 14 MP for a StuG, this means debris hexes cost 4 MP each to cross. EDIT: I made the same test replacing the Debris hexes with Woods. The StuGs moved 1 hex on the first turn, 2 hexes on the second (expending their full Movement Allowance), so the cost to enter a Woods hex is 1/2 Movement Allowance (as it should be [;)]) The StuGs moved a total of 30 hexes, bogging down 14 times (~50%). I attempted 12 Bog Removals, resulting in 6 Immobilized and 6 Bog Removal. [image]local://upfiles/53779/5A496590D5BB4DE6B19246485D75102D.jpg[/image]