1 SHQ gave unit "bit" more supplies than needed. (Full Version)

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GI Seve -> 1 SHQ gave unit "bit" more supplies than needed. (7/28/2020 2:05:48 PM)

Strat moved unit to capital. Moved 9 trucks and couple buggies to unit from SHQ1 stock. Unit took 5823 fuel (all but one on stock), 618 food and 402 ammo. Well at least they can now go on real long range mission [8D]
I had all fancy pictars for this but the forums 200kb one pic limit kinda cramped my grand plan... Now crossing fingers that even this one cropped picture makes it to post...
Game started on beta6 and now up to date to beta11 (so this might be non issue on freshly started?)

P.S.1. At start of next turn unit has dumped all the excess supplies. So all the extra stuff went to waste as they were not returned to shq1 stocks.


drimgere -> RE: 1 SHQ gave unit "bit" more supplies than needed. (7/28/2020 11:04:22 PM)

Ah! That's what keeps happening to me. I have had my full fuel stocks disappear a number of times, thankfully I've been pretty oil rich so it wasn't a huge deal but I could never track it down. Should this be in a bug thread somewhere?

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