Looking for a West Front Scenario (Full Version)

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stransky43 -> Looking for a West Front Scenario (8/2/2020 5:58:47 PM)

Hi all, I noticed on the theblitz website there's a West Front scenario listed that I'd like to try, but can't find it anywhere - Defending the Dyle. The site says it's a "stock" scenario which I think means it came with one of the game distributions and wasn't user created.

I own all the original East Front, West Front and add-on packs that came on CD, including my Matrix copy of the Campaign Series and I can't find this scenario anywhere. Can anyone help locate it so that I can download it?

Cheers, Dave

DM729 -> RE: Looking for a West Front Scenario (8/2/2020 7:08:53 PM)

I looked through my WF files and found the scenario you are looking for. I'm not sure if it was a stock scenario or not but it works in my JTCS WF 2.02 install.

I'm uploading it as a .txt file. Once you download it just change the file extension to .zip and it will contain the files needed to play the scenario.


stransky43 -> RE: Looking for a West Front Scenario (8/2/2020 8:06:29 PM)

Thanks very much for the files!

I've copied the four files to the West Front file folder, however when I pick the scenario it crashes while trying to load the map. I am using 2.02 as well.

DM729 -> RE: Looking for a West Front Scenario (8/3/2020 5:11:23 PM)

It looks as if that scenario has been removed from The Blitz site. It's an old scenario and I located an earlier version from my 1.04 install.

Try this version in your game. I've been able to play scenarios from older versions of the game. Sometimes you have to open them directly from the exe's within the WF folder itself: WF.exe for instance. You could also try to open the map file directly with the map editor and see if it crashes.Some of the old scenarios have different oob's and need to have their org files redone but the map crashing seems odd. I've seen the game act in some quirky ways.

Good Luck!

Big Ivan -> RE: Looking for a West Front Scenario (8/3/2020 6:17:59 PM)

Hi stransky43,

I just set you a PM with the zip of the scenario you seek.


stransky43 -> RE: Looking for a West Front Scenario (8/4/2020 11:30:37 AM)

All working now. Thanks!

Ashcloud -> RE: Looking for a West Front Scenario (8/5/2020 4:38:04 AM)

Can I also please get the DM?

Best regards,

Big Ivan -> RE: Looking for a West Front Scenario (8/5/2020 1:41:23 PM)


What are you looking for Ash? If I have it I'll send it to you.


Ashcloud -> RE: Looking for a West Front Scenario (8/7/2020 7:14:45 AM)

Defending the Dyle


Big Ivan -> RE: Looking for a West Front Scenario (8/8/2020 1:57:56 PM)

PM sent Ashley, Enjoy!![;)]

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