Karnaaj -> (8/17/2003 5:05:57 AM)
Hmmm. I'll have to play with this'un. Well, sometime in the future, I guess... just restarted MegaCampaign Lost Victories again, and I'm not doing *entirely* bad, so... Another *really* minor nag I have is that if a transport (barge, LST, DUKW, LVT, whatever) is immobilised in the water, it (and it's cargo) are stuck there forever. (Land transport isn't as bad - offload and walk or transfer to a working transport.) Be kinda nice if we could just offload to another transport... or, probably easier to code, rig a tow. Just think, your only flamethrower HT, stuck in a building (albeit that's rarer now in 7.1) or a stone wall, getting dragged out/off by whatever's driving by and not immediately needed at the front. Hey, I can come up with goofy "gee, it'd be nice if..." stuff all day, I bet. How 'bout unbuttoned vehicles taking crew casualties when hit? Artillery.. oh wait, that's AmmoSgt.'s turf, never mind. Submarines, for commando/raider ops (and mebbe Japanese evacuations or resupply?). *Changing weather*. (Why yes, I *am* evil to want a blizzard or sandstorm to crop up in the middle of a battle... or to *go away* just when everyone has gotten involved in low-vis knife-fighting. "Uhm, Karl, I see tventy T-34s. You t'ink they see us?") I can see 'em now, the programmers and such for Combat Leader and Close Assault, making notes that say "Under *no* circumstances allow Karnaaj to playtest..."