[FIXED][B1009.27.4] Problem with ASBM trajectory (Full Version)

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Theokarl1980 -> [FIXED][B1009.27.4] Problem with ASBM trajectory (8/6/2020 4:44:58 AM)

Hi. I defined a scenario with a ASBM missile (Khalij Fars) vs a ship (not important what is it).When i fire on ship ,missiles move toward target,but at a near distance of target(about 7.5 miles), all missiles explode one by one as shown on pix in attachment.Can anyone help me?

michaelm75au -> RE: Problem with missile (8/6/2020 8:51:37 AM)

It would be useful to get a save before they explode.

Rory Noonan -> RE: Problem with missile (8/7/2020 3:14:14 AM)

Logged for investigation.


Theokarl1980 -> RE: Problem with missile (9/3/2020 8:57:21 AM)

Any idea?

thewood1 -> RE: Problem with missile (9/3/2020 11:13:00 AM)

No game version in the OP. I have a scenario I'm building in the latest beta and those same missiles attacked as they should. Although all were shot down.

Theokarl1980 -> RE: Problem with missile (9/3/2020 11:21:06 AM)

Thanks for reply
It's Comnand v1.15-Build 1009.27.4

thewood1 -> RE: Problem with missile (9/3/2020 12:08:15 PM)

So this is CMNAO, not CMO?

Dimitris -> RE: Problem with missile (9/3/2020 3:35:14 PM)

Fixed for the next update releases of CMANO and CMO (the fundamental issue existed also in CMO but was compensated by certain sanity checks).

A suitable save would have helped us get to the root cause much faster.

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