Sprite modelling tools (Full Version)

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aganierm -> Sprite modelling tools (8/11/2020 12:38:05 AM)

I wanted to create my own units for scourge of war.
By searching the game files, I discovered SOW uses isometric spritesheets.
How does NorbSoftDev creates those spritesheets?
Which tools do you use to model, animate, render and create the spritesheets?

Biondo -> RE: Sprite modelling tools (8/11/2020 3:41:41 PM)

Hi, I'm not a sprites maker and I hope someone else with better skills than me will chime in.

In the SDK manual there's a chapter on how to do sprites and if I remember correctly it also talk about which programs is used.

I know that modders usually starts from a 3d model taken from Napoleon or Rome total war, modifying it with programs such Maya or something similar. Then you have to take 16 pictures from 16 different angles for every type of posture the game needs (walking, firing, laying down, etc) and pack together with a program called Texture Packer and then link this files with the files used by the game to show the correct sprite for the correct situation.

I know maybe this isn't too much of help but I just let the ball starts rolling

aganierm -> RE: Sprite modelling tools (8/13/2020 6:56:10 AM)

Thanks, I'm gonna look into the SDK. I didn't know there was one.

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