Community Event idea(s) (Full Version)

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Daza99 -> Community Event idea(s) (8/11/2020 5:09:48 AM)

What might be a fun idea is if someone creates/rolls up a very hard scenario and share it (Save for round 1) and upload it to google drive or dropbox and make it public to those interested in doing this.

Then create a thread for it for participants only maybe. So basically those who enter the event will post a screenshot of their main map & their progress every 10 rounds/turns in the thread and comparisons can be visually made, would be interesting to see how everyone goes about things differently. Each screenshot post could have the round number in the title to keep it organized if there is any late posts.

This could be just for fun, however other similar events could be run such as 48 hour event to see who can get the highest Victory Score within that time. Eg small planet and advanced tech to jumpstart the progress etc.

Each type of event could have different goals see who can get the most hexes within a set time or whatever goal suits the type of planet. I don't think the game tracks kills, would be nice if it did so you could track/screen shot how many alien fauna was killed for another event with a Starship troopers type of map/scenario.

Going with this idea, i think it would be also fun to have a pbem pvp game where every 10 turns progress of that is posted in a thread and we can keep progress of how it is going over time. Or even a screen shot per turn is given to an event organizer as well, and a video of all rounds is made (of screenshots) for a sped up overview of the map progress at the end.

Anyway just knocking about some ideas.

Does sound like an interesting idea? What would be an interesting planet to start on?

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