Internet Games - H2H (Full Version)

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Pax25 -> Internet Games - H2H (8/13/2020 1:16:01 AM)

Is it still fairly easy to play this game over the internet (not PBEM) if I open all the suggested ports and my opponent uses my IP address?

I remember it was fairly easy back when the games first came out, but since then IP addresses have gotten longer and firewalls/routers have made things more complicated.


Crossroads -> RE: Internet Games - H2H (8/16/2020 9:55:46 AM)

I've seen players reporting doing this using VPN tunnelling, but have not tried it myself. The network play option was really created for LAN playing, and that code is really old, so you're mileage may vary. But IIRC the key to making this happening is to indeed create a "LAN-like" set up.

If you manage to do this, please report the details how you did it [:)]

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